Thursday, April 18, 2013

Week 27 Update

So, I love the updates that I find on other girls' blogs, so I figured I'd start doing those too. They're such a great way to be able to look back on how each week of pregnancy was treating you! Sorry for the awesome gym clothes in the picture, but man is this belly stretching out my t shirts! 

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain: 18 pounds
Maternity clothes? Oh yea, loving the maternity leggings from Motherhood for every occasion, from workouts to dinner out!
Stretch marks? None yet, I swear by the Palmer’s Cocoa Butter
Sleep: Not so great lately, I feel like I’m not waking up as much to pee, but I have to swap what side I sleep on throughout the night because of hip pain.
Best moment this week: Vic felt him kick again! Sometimes I think I’m crazy because whenever I try to get him to feel the baby moving he can’t ever feel it. 
Miss Anything? I’d really love a beer with all this sunshine, and to be able to tie my boots in the morning without feeling like I’m going to pass out from the pressure that leaning over puts on my face, haha!
Movement: All the time! I’m keeping an eye out for kick counts after workouts now, my What to Expect App had suggested it so I figured what the heck. He gets moving about an hour after every workout.
Food cravings: Ice Cream and apples, from some reason I’m loving apples. I just went to the store to get more so I have them on hand all weekend. I read on Little Baby Garvin’s blog that she dipped hers in cream cheese frosting, tried it-totally delicious.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken :(
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: Negative, that would be a little scary. I think the Braxton Hicks are starting though, those aren’t so awesome.
Symptoms: Heartburn like a boss, but I got my prescription for heartburn that I take twice a day and that has changed my life. Spring allergies on top of general difficulty breathing makes like pretty interesting too. 
Belly Button in or out? It is soooo close to being out, but it’s holding on to being an innie for now.
Wedding rings on or off? On! I don’t think that will be a problem for a bit. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Ha, I’d like to say happy but I think my husband and coworkers would say moody. I kind of fly off the handle pretty easily, but this week has been pretty hellish at work.
Looking forward to: Not being pregnant anymore, is that horrible? I love it but man, I’m just at the start of the hip/rib/everywhere achyness and kind of concerned for how much bigger I’m going to get. 

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