I mentioned earlier that we had met with Christi, our doula, yesterday for our postpartum meeting. She brought over our typed up birth story and a great book for Ryker, On the Night You Were Born. I had typed up our birth story from my perspective a few weeks ago but her version is way better, it made me cry! Ryker is three weeks old today and more adorable than ever. I have all day to hang out with him, potentially make it to the grocery store and fold some laundry and of course take a million pictures.
I hope you enjoy the birth story :) Thank you to Christi again!
Ryker Kassel
I met your parents early on in the pregnancy. They were so excited to go through the labor journey. We looked forward to serving them. Never did we think we would receive a call so early. At 32 weeks while getting some last minute things for you and the nursery- your mommy felt her water break. She called me and I encouraged her to call her Dr. Indeed her water continued to leak and then gushed in the triage room of the hospital. Birth never follows a perfect plan but this was as opposite of an experience as she could have hoped for. However, your momma had armed herself with knowledge and wisdom on natural birth and waited patiently for the antibiotics and steroids to get into your system to allow you to be as strong as possible on the day of your birth. After a few days of waiting in the hospital, your mommy thought you would probably come soon, so we bumped up our prenatal meeting per her request. We came to the hospital and learned more about your parents and how we could serve them best. We talked through labor and what to expect. We reminded her that small babies come fast and to call us and keep us updated along the way, once contractions started.
At 3:30 am the next morning on May 28, 2013, I received a text that your mommy was in labor. There was some debate among the doctors if they should allow her to continue to labor. Your mommy knew in her heart you would be born today. There was no stopping these contractions. I continued to text with her throughout the next hour. She was 3 cm and fully effaced and you were at -1 station. I asked her when she wanted me to head her direction and she replied around 6 am. It was hard for me to go back to sleep. I selfishly wanted to be there and thought about going ahead and driving there sooner. As I was packing my bags, I received another text. Your daddy was there now and she said she needed me to come sooner-since things were quickly progressing. I hopped in the car and drove swiftly to the hospital. I texted that I was parking and your daddy replied, “10 cm!” I raced upstairs and entered the room full of Dr.’s and nurses. I wished I had gotten there sooner as they were instructing her to start pushing. Your mom was feeling pressure but had not felt an urge to push. Pushing was hard work because of that. She pushed with all of her might but there was little movement. The Dr. checked again and agreed we needed to wait a little while longer before we continued to push. The room cleared out and I was so thankful!
I heated up a rice sock and dimmed the lights. Your grandmother placed the warm compress on her back and your daddy encouraged her as she breathed through the surge and we held pressure on pressure points on her feet. She sat up in this position for another couple contractions until it was unbearable.
I told her to get onto her hands and knees-suspecting that you weren’t in optimal position, since her back pain was over riding all other pain. As soon as she moved into this position, she had immediate relief. I held counter pressure through the contractions. Your grandmother held a cold washcloth on her head in between the contractions and your dad held her hand. She was well supported! Within two more contractions she began involuntarily pushing and I motioned your dad to get the nurse. The team of nurses and Dr.’s came rushing in. This time there was no counting to 10 and no instructing on how to push. You mom knew exactly what to do. I told her to breathe and blow as your head was delivered. The Dr.’s were wonderful about allowing her to birth you on her hands and knees. With one more push you were born and your mom gathered herself before she turned around to see you. Your daddy cut the cord and you were evaluated by the Dr.’s. You were healthy but needed some extra attention so before they took you to the NICU, they handed you to your mommy for a quick hug and kiss. It was as if time stood still. She kissed your head and told you how much she loved you. Then we all marveled at how fast it all happened.
What a wonderful privilege it was to walk beside your parents as they welcomed you into this world. You are a blessed baby to have a mommy and daddy to love you and fight for you the way they did. Welcome to this world sweet baby boy. You are loved!
Christi Jones (Your Mommy’s Doula)
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