Ryker is doing so well! The NICU is open almost 24/7, except for shift changes and from 9 am to noon, so we have set up a plan to visit every day at noon. He gets his feedings at 2 pm, so we get to do some kangaroo care and feed him now. We went yesterday and found out that he is taking his feedings so well (which go through a little tube down to his belly) that they are actually upping his food intake as well as trying a bottle! Last night was supposed to be the first bottle attempt. If it went well than today we will get to try and do the bottle feeding at 2 and then the nurse said we will get to try and see if he will latch on for breast feeding. They also mentioned that he is doing so well with the feedings, breathing and maintaining body temperature that he might get moved to a crib soon and lose the IV. Yay for a baby that isn't hooked to four million cords! The IV makes me so nervous, I don't want to hold him in the wrong position and have the tiny little needle hurt him. But, it seems like he may be moving away from that soon. That almost makes me cry just typing it, I'm so proud of him!
We really need to find a stuffed Chelsea, so that we can add her to the stuffed Sam that we have staying with him! (Auntie Liz, get on that!!)
Yesterday's visit was a little bittersweet. While everything with Ryker is going great, the nurse seemed a little concerned about my breast milk supply. I've been pumping since the day he was born and bringing it to them, they supplement my supply with a high protein formula so that he can grow as much as possible. I figured that it had to be normal to only be getting so little, Vic's been reminding stressed out me that I'm a premature mother, so I have premature milk. Well, our nurse brought over another NICU nurse that happens to be a lactation consultant who actually asked if I may have a thyroid problem that is preventing my milk from coming in. After I answered no to that she asked if I was eating and drinking, to which I answered yes. I've been eating my oatmeal, which is supposed to help. My water intake is fantastic. Next, she asked if I was stressed. I said no, Vic vigorously nodded yes and the nurse was like "ahh, that's it then." It's a little hard to not stress when people tell you to stop stressing. Now I'm stressing about stressing, which by the way, is a hobby of mine. My whole life I have been the most stressed out person I know.
The good news is, I'm also extremely motivated by being told that I'm not doing the best at something, so I pumped right after that conversation and I got more in that one session than I did the whole day prior. I've been consistently pumping since and things are getting better, today I'll be able to bring him a little over two ounces! I tried to make sure that I was up at least once every four hours last night to pump and of course I slept right through my alarm, but I woke up at the six hour mark because my boobs were so sore. I'm taking that as a good sign that they are getting full!
So in summary, today I get to not only go hold my delicious little boy but I might get to actually feed him from my breast. He loves to be all snuggled up against our chests. Vic held him skin to skin yesterday for almost an hour and he just curls up into a little ball and snuggles his face into our chests. If you try to lay him flat on you he gets pissed and curls back into a ball. Vic pointed out that he kind of smells like the noodles in a box of mac and cheese before you cook them, so he's my little noodle now :) Oh, I can't wait to go see him today!! It's time to pump again, this every two hours thing sneaks up on me fast. I'll keep you guys posted on how today goes!
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