Baby Bump

My growing baby belly! It's so crazy to see it expand over time in pictures instead of just in the mirror!

Five weeks, so early on!


Six weeks, pretty sure no change yet, haha.

8 weeks, still so tiny!

12-ish weeks, forgot to do a sign :(

19 weeks, we just found out its a boy!

22 weeks!

25 weeks!

26 weeks!

27 weeks, at the gym :)

28 weeks!

29 weeks, putting that ODU t shirt to the test!

30 weeks!! All dressed up for a night out with some friends!

The last picture I took before my water broke, at 32 weeks, 5 days. 

Ryker Jordan Kassel was born May 28, 2013 at 6:58 am, at 33 weeks. He stayed in the NICU for two weeks for observation. He came home a perfect, growing boy and we've been loving every day ever since!

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