The time is almost here...tomorrow Ryker gets to come home! We dropped off his car seat with the nurses at the NICU two days ago and yesterday they did his car seat test, which basically means they plopped him in the seat for an hour and a half to see if he would flip his shit and he totally rocked it. He's such a chill baby! I think the time in the NICU may have helped us out in the long run, he gets bothered by everyone so often and there are so many sounds and lights all day and he sleeps right through everything like it's nothin'!
Vic and I made what I hope is our last Babies 'R Us trip for a while. Yes, they have a good deal of baby stuff but they are expensive and tricky with those dang coupons. They also are fairly out of the way for us, so Target and Amazon are where it's at from now on. This most recent trip was to pick up some essentials for the diaper bag, a diaper trash can and some preemie diapers.
I have no idea if I have a properly packed diaper bag, but I figure I have enough to teach me my lesson if I forgot something. Let me know if I'm missing anything...I packed:
1. Four additional outfits (probably too many, but they are so tiny that I figured hey, why not)
2. Seven or so diapers, same deal as above, they're so tiny I just put a handful in there
3. Wipes!
4. Diaper rash cream and baby powder in a zip lock
5. Burp cloths
6. Nose sucker
7. Ziploc freezer bag for anything gross that has to come home
I also carry around my pump bag that has a little cooler, a hand towel, pump and snacks for me. I should probably get a second tube of lanolin so that I don't have to keep moving the one that I have back and forth, that stuff is amazing. Speaking of pumping, things are going a bit better but I feel like my nipples are going to just up and leave. Nursing Ryker feels so much better than that damn pump! I can't wait to get him home and get most of the feedings in by nursing instead of pumping.
After we hit up Babies 'R Us we installed the car seat and got all of Ryker's stuff set up at home. He'll be sleeping in our Chicco Lullaby play yard. Definitely the best looking play yard that I found that went with the colors and patterns of our house. We even found a cute sheet to add to it. The theme for our house and Ryker's room is pretty woodsy, so the fact that the play yard has the cutest little owls for the mobile is pretty awesome! It plays music and nature sounds (cute little bird sounds) that I'm pretty excited about too.
As I mentioned above, we broke down and bought a diaper pail as you can see in the picture. We bought the Diaper Dekor Plus. If you look up reviews on any diaper system you'll find that they are all pretty scattered. Who knows if it will work as well as we want it to, but the refills weren't super expensive (something like 1200 diapers for 16 bucks, it has double sealing for stinkiness and it can be used as a normal trashcan at some point). We will be using it only for poopy diapers and we have it in our laundry room, which is attached to Ryker's room. I'll let you know what's up once we start using it.
Lastly, we pulled out and plugged in our swing. I got the Graco Glider LX in Peyton which also matches our house pretty well. Yes, we're placing the kid between the TV and the bar cabinet, right where we will see him, haha. The swing is pretty light so we'll be able to move it as needed. We really like how we can just flip a switch and it starts up or stops itself. Also, it plugs in so we won't have to by stock in batteries to power it. The highest setting is pretty intense when it is empty, I'm interested to see it with Ryker inside.
Those are our last minute preparations! The dogs are getting dropped off today to get super groomed before the baby gets here. The hospital offers the chance to room in with the baby before he gets discharged, which we could do tonight. We chose not to, mainly because neither of us wants to spend one more minute in that hospital than absolutely necessary. The second we pull up Vic gets sleepy and I get a headache. The nurses would be checking in on us and doing heart rate and feeding checks every three hours too, which doesn't seem like a very realistic way to test out being alone with your baby. Whether or not you room in he gets to come home the next day, so we decided that we would rather take advantage of one last night of sleeping at home without him waking us up and than we'll get started on life with Ryker at home on Tuesday! I think they like new parents to room in because people can be pretty nervous with the tiny NICU babies, but we're confident in our ability to chill with Ryker without breaking him and really hate feeling micromanaged. The NICU nurse told us the other day that we are the most self sufficient family that they've seen in the NICU, we try to get everything done before they can bother us while we visit him so we've been about as hands on as we can get away with.
It might be a while before I blog about having him home but I promise to keep you updated!!
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