Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday's Workout 4/23

30 minutes on the Elliptical on Manual
Average Heart Rate: 137
Calories Burned: 342

WEIGHTS: Back and Biceps
Lat Pull Down 12x70 lbs  12x70 lbs  7x80 lbs  10x60 lbs 

Underhand Lat Pull 12x70 lbs  8x80 lbs  8x80 lbs  12x60 lbs 

Dumbbell Curl 10x17.5 lbs  10x17.5 lbs  10x17.5 lbs 

Single Arm Bent Over Row 10x25 lbs  12x25 lbs  12x25 lbs 

Bent Over Dumbbell Fly 12x17.5 lbs  10x17.5 lbs

Man, today's workout kicked my butt. By the time I left work, around 3 pm, I was so exhausted that I seriously considered not going to the gym today. On days like this I decide that if I drive by and there isn't a spot in the parking lot next to the gym then I get to go home, but today there were three spots so alas, I went to the gym. I cut my cardio down to half an hour, an episode of Don't be Tardy for the Party on Bravo came on right as I was leaving for the weight room and I almost got sucked in for extra cardio. A girl's gotta get her trashy tv on sometimes! But I stuck with my plan and headed for the weights like a good girl. 

Usually back and biceps is one of my favorite days, but man I am pretty worn out from my workout with Vic yesterday! I also was determined to push myself a little bit harder, so I knew that today was going to be a rough one. I think I got a pretty respectable lift in, it definitely felt that way while I was there!

Tonight's dinner was relish, I forgot to take a picture of it all together though :(
Flank steak seasoned with Spicy Montreal Steak Seasoning served over spring mix and tomatoes tossed in Red Wine Vinegar. We had a zucchini, black bean and bulgur salad on the side, with a little bit of feta. That was my favorite part! I'm going to have a pretty tasty lunch tomorrow, I had enough for leftovers.

There was a whole extra thing of steak for Vic, he should be good for steak all day tomorrow! 
I am pooped. So ready for an early bed time, good thing tomorrow is Wednesday, which is so close to Thursday and practically Friday! I love count downs haha. Realistically, this weekend is just another one with a lot of work, gotta finish that final for Criminal Law and my project for Legal Research. Ugh, I'm even more tired thinking about it! 

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