Monday, April 29, 2013

Pictures of the Baby's room

When we bought our house we had this little random room that the contractor had created by cutting the garage in half with a wall. This made for a very tiny garage, more of a storage space, and slightly awkward "bedroom" off of the laundry room. 
For the first year that we were in the house that room served as storage, a place for the dog crates, a place for Vic's desk and a pantry. Once we found out that I was pregnant in October we decided that since we'll most likely be out of this house, and this state, before the baby gets too old we could just put him in the little room and make our other spare bedroom the office. 
So, the big spare room is now the office and home of the treadmill and the baby has a perfect baby-sized room. I hate the baby rooms that are super cutesy and So, we're trying to stick to a woodland nursery theme without going to crazy with cartooney decorations. 

We got that super cute owl from Pier One, he was pretty beat up and on clearance but with a little help from a sharpie he fits in just fine! His chair is from Amazon, it glides instead of swings and is pretty decent looking. It'll most likely spend most of its life in the living room instead of his room, but for now it chills in that corner. I think its a Graco? The diaper bag is there on the floor, my mom got me that from Babies 'R Us. It was one of the few that was actually pretty close to looking like a normal purse that I would carry, I was so excited to find one that I liked that wasn't too expensive!

The stuffed owl is also from Pier One. We got the stuffed Bernese Mountain Dog while we were in Colorado for Christmas at a little boutique. The big floppy bear is from Target and super cuddly and soft. The little dog in the red shirt is Vic's from when he was a little boy, his name is Pupper Dog, too cute right? Obviously, these guys will be booted from the bed once the baby is here, but for now they are keeping it warm for him. 

A great family friend, the mother of Vic's best man and the baby's godfather, offered to get us a clock for the nursery because she thought that when Danny was a baby that it was an overlooked item in baby's rooms. We picked out this moose from the website she had found, isn't he great?

My grandmother from New Jersey had made blue blankets for the baby. That pillow on the chair is from Target, I love the colors in it. That's my super comfy chair from Sam's Club. Vic and I have seriously talked about getting rid of our old couch and getting three more of those chairs, they are so comfortable! 

Our furniture is from Target too, they have some pretty legit stuff for putting together a baby's room. It's all coming together so great, now I just can't wait to get the baby in there! I recently ordered a few pictures from Etsy, as soon as they are up in the room I'll post an updated picture ;)

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