Sunday, April 21, 2013

Research Paper: Win, My Brain: Lose


 I only put it off for seven whole weeks, so no biggie, haha. I finally sat down this morning with all the random sources and articles that I have been half-assedly pulling for the last couple of weeks and put it all together into a paper. Have you ever turned anything into 
That shit is terrifying, totally made me feel the way this baby did when it saw whatever made it make that face! My paper came back as 22% similar to stuff on the internet. Once I went through all of it I saw that the stuff that caught the system was all stuff that I had done citations for, so technically I should totally be in the clear but that doesn't make it any less scary to see that bar light up as 22% similar. Man, scary. 

Yesterday came and went like nobody's business. One second the hubby and I were watching movies and it was early in the day and then we left to run some errands and all of a sudden it was like nine o'clock and we were at Tijuana Flats getting some delish tacos and quesadillas for dinner. If you like in the area of one you should totally go, their stuff is fresh and can be healthy but totally yummy. Find one here and hit up their super nifty weekday deals. They have a million hot sauces to try, which I love to do much to the sadness of my tummy and heartburn. 

So, we hit up Sam's Club last night to go get our super comfy leather chair that we are putting in the baby's room. As soon as it is out of it's box I'll put up a picture of it in the room, but right now it is on it's side just chillin.
Yes it's pretty manly, but hey, it's going in a little man's room so it totally fits. We're trying to stay away from stuff that screams baby so this fits the bill and it is OUTRAGEOUSLY comfy. I sat in it at the store for a good ten minutes before Vic kicked me out of it so he could sit in it. For the record, that wasn't the first time we had visited the chair and kept other customers from it. I hope it never leaves Sam's Club so that I can always go sit and rest in it. I'm so excited to cuddle with my little guy in it! 

On a random prego-emotional note, while sitting in my super comfy chair at Sam's Club I had a wonderful random tear fest over how confusing and overwhelming it can be to try and prepare for him to get here. Luckily I have the best husband ever, so he totally calmed me down from the neighboring leather recliner. Vic's philosophy on preparing for the baby is that no matter how prepared we are, we're never actually going to be prepared, so why not just get what we get and wait and see? As I'm sure you have gathered by now, I am not this easy going when it comes to stuff like this, but hey, that's why I married him, to calm me down. And so I can look at that cute butt every day ;) 

Well, it's a little after six and since I've been writing that stupid paper all day I haven't made any dinner preparations. When I have a long homework day Vic gets to take advantage of my lack of attention and catches up on man-time with his friend Danny and plays video games, so he didn't give dinner a consideration yet either, but I'm sure I'll get a "hey babe, what's for dinner" in the next ten minutes or so. I ran a request chit at work for tomorrow off so that I can start my online Final Exam for my Criminal Law class and maybe get a head start on my final assignment for my Legal Research class, so yay for an almost off work day! Another weekend down, another week closer to getting to cuddle the cute little guy in my belly!!!

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