Lately the emotional symptoms of pregnancy have hit me like a Mack truck. I think the fact that Ryker is getting so big in my belly is what is really making it kick in. Oh yea, there's his name! No, he is not named after Riker's Island prison, yes- he is named after Will Riker of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Nerdy? Yes. Vic introduced me to TNG a few months before we had our wedding ceremony in August of last year. At first I was skeptical, but eventually I was hooked and we watched every episode on NetFlix and I fell in love. I think Ryker is a great name, and its meaning is "strong power" which is pretty legit. We keep bouncing back and forth on the middle name, once we nail that down I might post it, or maybe it will be a secret!
It's a beautiful day out today, I think summer is officially elbowing its way into the forecast. I can't wait to be able to take our little guy to the beach and play with him in the sand and the waves. Vic isn't much of a beach guy, I'm sure he won't mind if we have to bring umbrellas or a little tent for shade, he's basically like a vampire when it comes to extreme sun time. I could soak it up all day. We took our honeymoon to St. Lucia last year and I was amazed at how often I got him in the pool and on the beach. Here's a fun pic from summertime last year, I wish we could take a vacation like that every year, but of course the Navy and school get in the way of that for now.
I swear that lately its like I have been soaking up the sunshine during the day and then I use it all at night, I had Vic set the AC to 66 degrees last night because I get so hot in my sleep. While one part of me doesn't want to move back to California when we leave Virginia, a huge part of me does want to move back to the beaches and the sunshine. Vic promised me that if we move to somewhere without a beach, which right now is the plan, I get at least one yearly vacation to a beach and a great backyard that I can pretend is the beach. I hope to teach Ryker how to swim as early as possible so he and I can play in the pool all day! Have you seen those crazy videos that teach little babies how to roll over onto their backs so they don't drown? Those babies are amazing! They have videos that show infants as young as four months that know to flip over and float on their backs. That's nuts, I love it!
Last night I laid in bed thinking about how I should prepare the diaper bag. Being between 30 and 31 weeks makes it a little early to start packing hospital bags, but I figure the "preparer" in me can at least get a diaper bag ready and that might fulfill my urge for a while. HIs room is pretty much ready, all I need now are the pictures from Etsy that I ordered to show up. We bought a giant box of Newborn Diapers that I'm sure we probably won't use all of before he grows out of them. He has plenty of clothes. I don't have a bathtub or baby bathing stuff, but I do have the awesome Lavender baby wash. So, my next Amazon or Babies R' Us run will focus on bath time I guess.
I'm really hoping that I can breast feed Ryker. It is something that is really important to me and I'm not entirely sure of why I've latched onto the idea so tightly. I like the fact that him and I would share that and that he would be getting something from me even while I have to work. Vic and my family aren't sure that I'll be able to, mainly because either they had issues with it when they had kids (my mom) or because after I had a little um, altering surgery, cough cough (a boob job!) my nipples are pretty sensitive all the time. I think that with a little determination I should be able to pull it off, or at least exclusively pump. That'll be a pain in the ass to do but I'd rather do that then switch to expensive ass baby formula!
Well, the rumbly baby in my belly is telling me that it is time for breakfast. His daddy is still asleep and the pups are outside for some time in the sunshine. It's not very often that our house is so completely quiet and still, even though it is only us two and the dogs. I think we're going to try and go to the beach today for a bit. Like I said earlier, Vic isn't a huge fan of the beach so I'm not sure how long that will last but I need some time soaking up the rays. I hope you have a great start to your Mother's Day weekend! I got my present yesterday because Vic wanted to cheer me up after I got home feeling crappy from my sinus cold that I've been rocking all week. I'll let you know later what it was, all I'll say for now is that you should be jealous ;) Happy Friday!
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