Tuesday, May 7, 2013

30 Weeks

How far along? 30 Weeks

(I feel like I should explain the random black paint on our door. We were testing out colors to potentially paint the doors in the house a dark color. Had to try out one of my many Pinterest ideas, haha.) 

Total weight gain: 21 pounds

Maternity clothes? Same as last time, still rockin’ the maternity leggings and my one pair of maternity jeans. I’m super excited about the bandeau bras that I got from Victoria’s Secret. My bras and sports bras have all gotten pretty tight so it is nice to have some stuff that is more comfortable.  

Stretch marks? None! I’m pretty amazed.

Best moment this week: Hearing the baby’s heartbeat at our last appointment. The weekend and these last few days have been pretty all around great so it’s all been the best!

Miss Anything? Being able to sleep through the night. Last night I welcomed (sarcastically) a new symptom- nasal congestion. I woke up thinking that I had the worst sinus infection ever, but it turns out that my nose and sinus have just completely swollen shut. Adding the whole not being able to breathe thing to the having to pee every two hours is making sleeping (which is comfortable only on my left side) a little bit more difficult!

Movement: He’s actually been a little bit quieter this week. I feel like he’s at the point of getting pretty big for his living space, so the movement now is more defined instead of the somersaults. I do my kick counts on a regular basis though and he is good to go!

Food cravings: Ice cream, gelato, anything ice cream related. Oh and chocolate. And apples. Basically, anything sweet. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Meat. I’ve been pretty touchy with meat the whole time, but through the second trimester I was able to start eating red meat, while chicken still made me sick. Now, unless I hide chicken or ground turkey in soups or bakes I pretty much just skip the meat or eat just enough to feel like I’m getting protein in. I’ve been drinking more milk lately, so hopefully that’s helping with the protein.

Gender: Boy, oh boy!

Labor Signs: No, sir! 

Symptoms: Still all the goodies, heartburn, nasal congestion, general feeling of being big enough for satellites to orbit me! 

Belly Button in or out? I feel like it’s pretty shallow and on the road to popping, but Vic swears it’s been too deep from the get go to ever be anything but an innie! 

Wedding rings on or off? On. However, the other day I noticed that it felt a tad bit snug, still comfortable but just a little tighter than usual.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, with a side of random emotional outbursts. I randomly cried twice this week and my level of tolerance for silly questions at work has kind of diminished to non-existent. I’ve always been one to wear my heart on my sleeve though, so my emotions are pretty obvious but I feel like they pass pretty quick too. During my random crying bout on the phone with my mom I cried about how perfect and happy everything is, gotta love the way crazy emotions can come together!

Looking forward to: The weekend and time to sleep! 

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