Thursday, May 2, 2013

Happy Birthday Annichen/Legs days are the best!

40 Min on Elliptical, Aerobic Setting
Average Heart Rate: 147 bpm
Calories Burned: 477


Hack Squat 
15x140 lbs 12x160 lbs 12x170 lbs 12x170 lbs

Leg Press 
15x170 lbs 12x190 lbs 12x210 lbs 

Calf Raises w/ Dumbbells 
20x50 lbs 20x60 lbs

Leg Extension 
12x110 lbs 9x115 lbs 9x120 lbs 

Leg Curl 
15x90 lbs 10x110 lbs 10x110 lbs 

Funny story about today's workout. I was sitting in the machine room, getting ready to do my second set of leg extensions and this old guy, who I'm assuming thought I couldn't hear him because I had head phones in, goes "ugh, I can't watch this happen anymore" and stomps out of the weight room. Considering we were the only two in there, I can only guess something about me grunting my way through a leg workout bugged him somehow. It kinda cracked me up! 

We had our 28 week appointment today, a week late-woops! Everything is going great, I guess I'm measuring 31 centimeters, my iron/sugar/whatever else they check levels are right where they should be and she said my weight gain is right where she likes to see it, so all around great appointment. 

We switched to a midwife after our first two appointments with this ridiculous nurse practitioner that was really pushy with unnecessary tests and medications. Vic and I have talked it over extensively (we're both planners and researchers) and we really want to try and have this experience be as natural and as in our control as possible. Now obviously, its having a baby and that naturally comes with a lot that we can't control. However, for all that I can call the shots on, I plan to. We found out early on that I tested as a carrier for cystic fibrosis. Our nurse practitioner was super pushy and refused to understand why we didn't want to have Vic tested to see if he was a carrier. At that point we were pretty far into the pregnancy and all that finding out if he was a carrier would have done is cause me a crazy amount of stress and anxiety. After the NP told Vic to get tested behind my back and just not tell me the results we switched providers. Every time we make a new appointment I have to have them reschedule providers because the Navy likes to ignore wishes, but I manage to get appointments with the lovely Mrs. Brown each time now. She's super legit, our appointments are about as quick and to the point as they can get and she doesn't make me feel like a nutball for having researched everything and having my own opinion on stuff. 

I recently read a pretty ridiculous article about working out while pregnant on that led to my double checking some stuff with her. I just wanted to make sure that I wouldn't cause any issues with doing my weighted squats and she basically said that the only way I could hurt the baby or the placenta at this point would be some severe trauma to the belly, she used a car crash as an example. So, we're all good! I'm telling you, this baby has made me stronger than ever so I would have been really disappointed if I couldn't continue with my plan. 

Well, there's my thursday wrap up! Today is my sister in law's birthday, so happy 24th birthday to Annichen! Wishing I could share a birthday cocktail with you right about now!

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