Friday, May 17, 2013

31 Weeks, almost eight whole months!

No picture this week of the bump, I promise to get a good one this weekend! Some sandy beach toes will have to do :)

Vic's family came in this week to visit us for the last time pre-baby. Once the baby gets here we'll get to see them again this summer, babies are great for getting everyone to come visit you! I haven't made it onto my computer for a few days with work and everyone flying in, sorry about that! So far this week we've had good food and a great day out on the beach. It was in the upper eighties yesterday! I'll have a good amount of pictures to add later this weekend. 

Happy Friday everyone, I hope you have a great weekend!

How far along? 31 Weeks

Total weight gain: 24 pounds

Maternity clothes? Yep. Although, I’ve been avoiding the bathing suit that we bought specifically for while I was pregnant and I’ve been wearing a bikini that I’m pretty sure I’ve had since 2005. I had Vic take a picture of me in it at the beach yesterday but I was laying down and that is soooo not winding up on the internet, haha.

Stretch marks? Only my angry little area between the top and bottom hole of my belly button piercing. It’s so funny how angry that tiny little stretch of skin is! But if that is the only area that gets affected I’m stoked. The spots that I get on my belly and back are getting pretty out of this world. They’re just like red splotches that come and go in color, but after being at the beach yesterday they looked pretty dry and angry. Hopefully those are just a pregnancy thing and leave when this is done!

Best moment this week: Getting to spend all day at the beach yesterday! Vic got me out into the chilly water to play in the waves for a while with his sister and his dad. It was so much fun! I love getting to spend the day in the sun and the waves. Luckily, the water out here on the East Coast warms up pretty early in the year, so the water was almost perfect. 

Miss Anything? Being comfortable. The baby is all over the place and this week he has been kicking my ass. I’ve just been so very uncomfortable all week. The whole laying down on my left side thing is actually all that helps, so I’ve spent a fair amount of time in bed or trying to get the baby to shift in my car.  

Movement: Mostly just jabs of knees and elbows, it really feels like he’s not too happy with the diminishing amount of room he has in there. 

Food cravings:  Ice cream and cake! I’ve never wanted cake so much in my life.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Same stuff. 

Gender: An old man at Confetti, a gelato shop here in Virginia Beach, tried to convince me that because I am carrying high that he is actually a six pound baby girl, but I let him know that the 3D Ultrasound said he was definitely a boy. 

Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks like a boss. I wanted to sit down in the parking lot on Wednesday to take a break during the walk from work to my car. Luckily they stopped Wednesday, but lately I’ve been feeling some bizarre pressure down below and in my lower back. Not comfortable. Vic asked me last night if the whole weird experience was early labor, letting me know that this would be a really bad time for this to happen considering his work schedule right now. I’m pretty sure the not so fully developed baby would feel the same way, haha. Alas, it went away with a warm bath. 

Symptoms: Hmm, listed above I guess. Heartburn and nasal congestion still. 

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Getting to see Vic’s office today!  

**I got Vic to take a picture on our way out to his office, Happy Friday!**

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