Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday, Monday...

Monday's Workout

40 Min on Elliptical
Average Heart Rate: 142 bpm
Calories Burned: 460

WEIGHTS: Chest and Triceps

Bench Press on the Smith Machine
 12x20 lbs 12x40 lbs 9x50 lbs 7x55 lbs

Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
 10x20 lbs 10x20 lbs 10x20 lbs

Tricep Cable Extension
 12x50 lbs 12x60 lbs 10x70 lbs

Dumbbell Tricep Extension 
10x15 lbs 10x17.5 lbs 10x20 lbs  

Dips (Assisted) 
6x78 5x78 6x78
*I have no idea how the weights on the assisted dip machine work, but I found 78 to be a good setting for keeping me from dropping to the ground or not being able to move!


Monday down, only four more days to go until the weekend!!

The nice thing about Mondays is that it's a PT day at work, so we go to the gym at 7:00 and don't have to be at work until 8:45. It's pretty nifty as far as getting the day started. It also makes the day feel like it goes by way faster since we do lunch at 11:00 in our shop.

 I usually get on my cardio around 6:45, work out until the episode of Baby's First Day is over and then I switch to weights. This morning I woke up feeling pretty drained and was considering skipping the weights, but I wound up muscling through it (literally!). It was a good enough workout from me, if you've read other chest and triceps days you know they are my least favorite. 

My third class for my Masters started today, the Criminal Process. I emailed the prof as soon as the class opened online and let him know that I'm due the week after the final, so realistically if the baby comes early I may have some scheduling conflicts. As much as part of me really wants to get as much of the Masters completed, part of me kind of hoped that he would suggest I drop it. But, turns out he's a stand up guy and promised to help me get this class completed one way or another! 

Today was one of those awesome random emotional days, so while sitting on the couch talking to my mom on the phone I randomly burst into tears. I did the same thing last night while we were laying in bed. This better pass, no one likes a cry baby, haha. I told the hubs he was on his own for dinner tonight, I kind of just want cereal and feel too drained to make the carrot, ginger, chicken soup that I was planning. 

Any thoughts on the new layout of the blog? I figured I'd try out the new dynamic view, let me know what you think!

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