Thursday, December 1, 2016


Welcome to Blogmas, Friends! If you haven't heard of Blogmas or Vlogmas before (I may do both!), they are a great opportunity to kind of kick yourself in the butt and use the month of December to push yourself to put out more content on a regular basis. This is something I desperately need to do, so here we go!

I was thinking that for this opening post, we should do a "get to know Christina", since I haven't blogged in way too long! So, here it goes, I'll try and keep it short.

My name is Christina. I'm a stay at home Mom with my son, Ryker, and daughter, Cora. He's 3.5, she's 1.5. They are so much fun, but can be total shit shows as well, so they keep me on my toes. Lately, as Ryker gets older, he blows my mind and becomes more and more like our roommate and that loud guy we hang out with! Cora is a year and a half with no teeth and she refuses to walk, so that's fun. The teeth are there, I can see them wanting to come out and chew food, and she can walk if you hold her you can see, I'm starting to become aware of how much trouble she may be as her stubborn self gets older. She just learned how to throw a tantrum, so keep me in your thoughts, haha.


I served in the Navy for six years before getting out in late September of 2015. I enjoyed the Navy, but I accidentally fell in love with my other half after three months of joining, and here we are nearly seven years later with two kids and a mortgage. This girl wanted to be home with her family instead of sailing the seven seas, so I ran when my contract was up. For a second, I worked for a cyber security firm, but quickly found that I hate being a sales person and that I preferred hanging out with my kids all day, so here I am!

While my husband has helped fuel the fire of my passion for fitness and wellness for years, following the birth of Cora and my second journey into postpartum weight loss, I decided to try my hand at bodybuilding competition. Holy cow, it's so much fun! I competed this fall, twice, and received seventh and third place finishes. My third place finish made me qualified for a National level show, so that is where my focus is at now. I've also found a love for destroying my kitchen with Ryker while we bake up some new concoction, and he loves to help me in the kitchen. We try new recipes regularly, they are rarely aesthetically pleasing, but generally taste pretty damn good! I'm trying to prepare meals that all four of us can/will eat, and promise to start sharing my successes and failures more often so you can laugh, cringe and say "yum!" along with us!

I've been given the awesome opportunity of representing DEDFIT Apparel, whose link can be found here, If you use the code Christina you get 10% off! Their clothing is awesome, but the work ethic and drive of those involved with the company is absolutely amazing. Definitely check them out! I also work with 1st Phorm for all of our supplements, and even Ryker looks forward to his protein oats! Check out for free shipping! If you have any questions about the products or how they can best help you, PLEASE reach out to me!

My mom asked me a simple but important question yesterday while we spoke about my application to compete at the Arnold Amateur this year. "And you love doing this?" I do. My heart sings for this. I soul is so happy and grateful when someone reaches out to me with questions or concerns and we work together to help them start on their own fitness or wellness journey. A client of mine recently met his goal well before the time allotted, all by making one small change with his diet and adding a bit more conscientious activity. I want to put more smiles on people's faces by teaching them how to keep a smile on their face and not falling back to old, detrimental habits.

I hope you guys enjoy following along with myself and my family. We welcome you into ours!

Blogmas Day 1: Complete! Let's do this, fam :)

#DDFIT 10% Christina

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