Saturday, December 3, 2016

Blogmas Day 3: A peek into our kitchen

Better late than never, right? Vic and I actually managed to get a full NINE HOURS of sleep last night, so our morning started a tad bit later than usual. We both tend to wake up between 5 and 6 every morning, so sleeping past 7 am was pretty exciting. We ventured out to get bagels and then braved Costco, right as they opened. We think we're somehow permanently stuck on East Coast time, because we didn't go home until nearly 11 and we were like "well, there goes the day", haha. Ryker is way too cool for naps these days, so we introduced him to the Grinch while Cora took a much needed nap after our Costco adventure. Ryker called it the Not Scary Christmas Alien movie and enjoyed it! It has been fun introducing him to movies that aren't cartoons!

I'm pretty impressed with our Costco haul this time around, we loaded up on so many veggies and I've already tried a new recipe with the zucchini and apples that Cora and I loved. Cora is teething this weekend, so wish us luck. She's nearly 18 months old and is just now popping out a handful of teeth at once. She's been only wanting soft sandwiches and warm sweet potatoes, so I tried something new and was glad to see she liked it! She then went straight back to being absolutely pitiful, and the poor thing has just been sleepy and fussy all day. She spent a good portion of the afternoon strapped to my back so that she could snuggle me and I could be productive. She's only got eyes for her Momma when she's feeling down.

I diced up one pink lady apple and one zucchini and sautéed them in one tablespoon of Kerrygold butter, cinnamon and a sprinkle of salt, until they were soft. I got Vic and Ryker to eat the apples, but I can't trick them into zucchini.

I keep saying that I'm going to start cooking one meal that works for all of us, but honestly, it has just become easier to make sure I have everything I need for the staples that we all enjoy, and then I can whip up what everyone likes quickly. For the kids that means grilled cheese, berries, broccoli or green beans, blueberry waffles and chocolate milk. They basically survive off of the above and Goldfish. Considering I can get them both to eat a pretty solid amount of fresh produce on a regular basis and they both get more protein than the average adult, I don't stress on the stuff they enjoy. Silly fact about them, Ryker likes jelly sandwiches, but Cora likes peanut butter sandwiches. Ryker hating peanut butter blows my mind.  

I'm pretty sure he's mostly made of Fairlife Chocolate Milk. 
 We've been getting Ryker more and more involved around the house as he is understanding what needs to get done more each day. He's responsible for feeding the dogs, and gets to help out in the kitchen. We've been baking a lot, but he loves getting to help cook dinner. Along with not liking peanut butter, he generally won't eat pizza either. I thought if he helped put his together that he might actually eat it, but nope. Oh well, we won't have to share with him! When I asked him if he was ready to eat it he replied with "nope, I just want blueberry muffins."

Things that we HAVE to have in our fridge at all times:
Fairlife Chocolate and Whole milk
Extra lean ground turkey
Lean ground beef
Archer Farms frozen asparagus and sweet potatoes
Flavored Muscle Egg
Egg Whites
Reddi Whip
Shredded Cheese
Whole Eggs
Kerrygold Butter
Frozen broccoli

Things we always have in our pantry:
Multigrain Sandwich thins
Natural Skippy PB
Some sort of yummy cereal
Eureka bread
Oh Yeah One Bars
1st Phorm Phormula 1, Ignition, Level 1

We add in random stuff that we wander past when we shop at either Target or Costco (use Carthwheel and Ibotta for deals!), but those round out our staples! We like to try and keep what we eat at home pretty balanced and simple, so that when we want to go out we don't have to feel guilty about indulging a little bit. for free shipping and the supplements that keep me on track use the code Christina for 10% off the comfiest clothes, EVER!

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