Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Row, row, row your boat!

Have I told you how I hate rowing? I really hate rowing, but at the same time I love the challenge it presents. Today's WOD was four rounds of 500 meter sprints with a three minute rest between each round. I kept around a 2:05 pace for each round, coming to a 17:05 total. It sucked. My legs are pretty tight from yesterday's workout so they were ON FIRE! My method of madness for these kinds of WODs is to count down for my strokes, so for 500 meters I start counting at 60, and try to finish the 500m before I get to zero. 

I tried a new motivation trick today, last night I set my alarm for 5:20 am and changed "Alarm" to "Get up and make yourself proud!". Guess what? It worked! My alarm went off, I snoozed it and tried to fall back to sleep. It lasted about 30 seconds and I thought about how dumb I would feel if I didn't get up, so I wrapped up in gloves and my new bang buster headband from Lululemon, took a blanket and coffee and made my way out the door!

 I'm so glad I did! Most of my favorite 6 am crew was there, shivering with me. You just can't beat good friends for motivation.

Breakfast: Chorizo, sweet potato, eggy goodness! I also had a protein shake post WOD. I mixed one scoop of Carnivor Protein with a cup of unsweetened almond milk. That protein tastes just like a chocolate cake batter shake, it's lactose free and delicious!!

Lunch: Taco Meat, made with 1lb of 85/15 grass fed ground beef, 1 can of organic tomato paste, 2 tbs of cumin (I LOVE cumin), 1 tsp of chili powder and a big heaping spoonful of minced garlic. No need for store bought taco seasoning with all it's crazy additives! I put the taco meat, about 3/4 of a cup, on a bed of arugula with salsa and crumbled plantain chips on top. Delicious! I may have snacked on a good amount of those chips, too!

Dinner: Well, it's still in the crockpot, but it's my first pot roast. It's taking FOREVER. The good news is, the sweet potato fries I made smell delicious! Those two with a glass or two of red should make for a tasty night!

I'm sure you're all experiencing this gnarly cold snap. Our pipe in the kitchen froze this morning! It doesn't affect Sam , though. He 'a outside, staring at the stars and refusing to come in. Crazy Mountain Dog! 

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