Sunday, January 5, 2014


Man, is eating healthy while in airports for 15 hours rough or what? We had packed some food, so I was able to stick to my guns and not get McDonald's breakfast when I was ordering Vic's McMuffin for him. I had a LaraBar instead, and by the end of the day I realized that I had made an epic Paleo mistake and had eaten that LaraBar, a salad with salsa and maybe 6 ounces of turkey and ham that we had packed. I had Ryker on my chest all day, so I didn't even get drinks when the attendants came around during our flights. I also had two beers, Michelob Ultra's, at Chili's, after Vic and I got off our delayed flight from Colorado and began our five hour layover in Dallas. 

Overall, the day was lazily clean, except for the beer but I think I ate less than 1000 calories which is never good. When we got home, I ate one of the Hubs' Jimmy Dean Delight sandwiches because the kitchen was totally empty and I could feel my stomach eating itself. Oh well, what's a girl to do but be better the next day?

As I say that I was trying to be better, I have to admit to indulging in 4 of Vic's chocolate Krispy Kreme donuts, the itsy bitsy ones in a bag. I know, I know, I'm really crawling my way back onto the right track. I swear he's not as horrible of an eater as I've made him sound! We finally made it back to Whole Foods with a healthy bunch of recipes in hand today and it felt so good to stock up on fruit, veggies and legit meat. We had some shredded BBQ chicken for lunch during the Chargers game, which he had with biscuits while I had plantain chips. I LOVE plantain chips! For dinner, we BBQ'd a pork loin with lemon and garlic and had an arugula salad with bacon and carrots. I'll put the how-to on the recipe tab

I'm getting back to Rife tomorrow and can't wait. Oh man, it is SO GOOD to be home! 

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