Woops, fell off the wagon for the weekend! I hit a downward spiral super hard. I worked out pretty hard Monday through Wednesday last week and was like "oh, since Thursday is my last day off before going back to work, I'll use it as a rest day and workout the rest of the weekend!" Should have known that one was going to fail!
After a pretty short Friday at work, I had to go to the Naval hospital to talk to my orthopedic surgeon's nurse. She gave me a pretty legit LLD chit (Navy speak for an I'm hurt note) that has me allowed to train my own way at command PT. This is awesome because I can continue focusing on training for the Shamrock Half and it shouldn't interfere with CrossFit too much. The only lame part is that I am doing the 5 am classes Monday, Wednesday Friday now. Man, that is sooo early!
Over the weekend we got a good amount of stuff done around the house before the playoff games and our power outage Saturday. I'm so excited to have Valentine's Day decorations! Gotta love Target.
We got all of our frames there, too, for our new gallery wall. It's taken me forever to get up some engagement and wedding pictures. Of course, Ryker is well represented and I even got a great one of me cheers-ing with my college friends at the wedding!
Back to those silly Virginia storms, knocking out power 10 minutes before kickoff of the Seahawks game. What were you thinking? Luckily, our friends, Pat and Misty, took us in until halftime, when Vic went home to check on our power and prep for poker night. Our poker night wound up being just the four of us, but we had a lot of fun! Of course, we had to do a #weheartLogan and #Fernstrong picture for our friends' baby girl in the NICU!
We also caught up on some movie watching and finally rented Man of Steel and LOVED IT! Even Ryker, who normally doesn't get to watch TV, was allowed to sit up and cuddle with me for a while because he was so enamored with what was going on. He fell asleep that way and completely melted my heart. He's good at that!
Vic taught me how to play Gin this weekend, too. I'm usually really bad at card games, but lately I've been catching on pretty quick! Gin was a perfect game for the slow parts of a football weekend. So, what could have been a workout heavy weekend turned out to be an even better poker, decorating, cuddle Fest of a weekend.
Monday was my first double day of CrossFit and command PT with a 4:20 am wake up. The WOD and my coach, Jade, had me pretty skeptical since it was behind the neck jerks and I've got a pretty useless right arm. But, alas, one really can wear themselves out working on their split jerk stance with no arms. After my hour at Rife, I went to command PT with the intention of running but wound up on my favorite elliptical for the better part of an hour watching Baby's First Day and Make Room for Multiples on TLC.
I was dragging by noon! I made an amazing soup for dinner though, if I must say so myself. It had way more packaged ingredients than I usually like, but it was perfect for a "quick, get dinner ready" kind of night.
Beef curry soup with apples
2 cups chicken broth
1 can pumpkin purée
1 can diced tomatoes (no salt added)
1 can full fat, unsweetened coconut milk
1 large sweet potato, microwaved and then scoop and chop the insides
1 can kidney beans
1 pound ground beef (I had this already browned from the weekend, great prep trick!)
2 tbs minced garlic
1 tb curry powder
1 tb chili powder
salt and red pepper flakes to taste
Dump it all in a pot and let it simmer until the flavors are well mixed!
So, the beans aren't paleo friendly, but the soup needed some more substance, I figured if they were the worst ingredient then I wasn't doing too bad. I just can't make a habit of adding them! Served with some of the premade Crostini from Whole Foods, this meal was legit. Again, crostini = not paleo, so sue me, they're delish in smaaaaall quantities! Perfect leftovers for lunch, I left out the tasty, toasty bread for today though.
Tonight's WOD was too good to pass up. Normally, I don't go to night time classes, but I didn't get to go this morning so I showed up to the 5 pm. Here's the WOD:
Buy in: 50 ab mat sit-ups
10 Rounds
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (I just did Sumo Deadlifts)
10 pushups (I do mine on the GHD machine to help out my shoulder)
another 50 sit-ups
The RX weight was 65 pounds for the SDHP, but since I was only deadlifting, I did it with 85 pounds. I never would have thought after 100 reps that I would say this...but I should have done a little more. Oh well! I'll try even harder tomorrow morning, when I'm back at the 5 am! I hope you guys had a good Tuesday. I love Tuesdays, once you get past Tuesday it's all down hill from there! Here's a picture of the teething little cutie, showing off his new trick-
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