Monday, July 29, 2013

Playin' catch up

I can't believe how long it has been since I was able to sit down and blog. Who'd have thunk that a baby would take up all of your free time, huh? I'm supposed to be back at work today, it's my second week off of maternity leave, but last night Vic came down with the worst stomach virus ever so I'm here taking care of him and shielding Ryker from that nasty stomach bug. I can't even fathom trying to deal with a whole family of sick, I remember being a kid and all of us getting sick at the same time. My poor Mom, that's all I can think!

On a happier, less sick note...we've had all sorts of visitors! Vic's parents came to visit the week before last and his grandmother and sister just left Sunday morning. We had a lot of fun just hanging out playing cards and going out for great meals. Ryker got to have his first day at the beach too! 

Ryker's first baseball game. Go Tides!

Ryker out with us for date night. Isn't it funny how tiny that little beer is? Made for a perfect photo op, but he'll be in big trouble if I catch him drinking before he's 42. 

Ryker and "Momma K"!

Ryker and "Grand Daddy-O"!

Beach day!! Isn't that hat silly?

Vic and I, Lillan and his sister Annichen in front of the Norwegian Lady statue at the Oceanfront.

Lillan and Ryker getting some cuddle time at Catch 31

He's been doing so great lately and he is just so big! He's already more than doubled his weight since he was born. He's starting to make eye contact and hold it for a while too which I love. He's learning to sleep and play in his bedroom also. We've started putting him down for naps and some alone time during the day to get him used to the space. We bought the Summer Peek 2 (I think that's what it is called...) monitor and it is pretty awesome. We mounted it on a shelf over his changing pad and we can zoom and pan the monitor and it even tells us the temperature in the room. 

Going back to work last week went a lot better than I thought it would. Here is my sad "I don't want to go back to work" face...

 With Ryker sleeping a little bit longer at night I've been able to avoid being a total zombie in the morning. I tried to get up for workouts at CrossFit Rife the first day back and didn't account for pumping time before I left so I only made it there once last week in the morning. It felt great to get my workout done early, way more convenient than the evening. I've been sooooo frustrated with trying to eat right and get my workouts in so that I can lose the baby pooch. Ryker made his first trip to CrossFit with me this last week, he slept through the whole workout! I think he likes the loud music. I just plopped him down in his carseat and got my workout on. Vic has been doing the same thing and taking him in his carseat to Flex. 


Breastfeeding is going awesome lately! I try to make sure that as soon as I get home from work or the gym I am feeding him on demand as much as possible. My work has been super awesome about my disappearing to pump and my supply has been doing really well with all the changes. Ryker is getting to be a super efficient feeder too, so that helps out with it not taking so long to do. While we had visitors here I nursed him at McCormick and Schmick's and at Catch 31, too very nice restaurants. At first I felt funny doing it, but with my super cute nursing cover and a cooperative baby it is no trouble at all. 

I know I keep saying that at some point I am going to write about the books that I've read for my doula certification and I really do swear that will happen! I really like the Nursing Mother's Companion, I think it was more up my alley than Bestfeeding. It seemed like it was less "stop complaining about nursing being hard" and offered more information. I've got to get my next book soon, it'd be nice to be able to bring it in my pump bag for some reading while I'm pumping at work. 

Well, it's time to check in on the hubby and see if he is feeling any better and maybe get some housework done while everyone is sleeping. Might as well take advantage of my random day off! I happened to see a commercial for this ridiculous show on Lifetime On Demand called Pretty Wicked Moms, that should entertain me while I do dishes. I'm sorry if this post was super random, someday I should be able to organize thoughts again! Happy Monday everyone!

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