Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ryker is 6 weeks old!

I cannot believe that six weeks have flown by so fast. I'm still so amazed that I'm a mom, the fact that I've been a mom for six weeks already is so unbelievable. I've been the worst at posting lately, things have been a little bit busier than usual :)

Ryker is doing so well and getting so big so fast! The last time we checked he was up to seven pounds but that was last week, so I'm sure that he is up way more since then. He wants to eat so much more lately, he'll try and take 4 ounces at his night time formula feedings but we've learned that it only leads to spit up trouble if we let him do that. Last night Vic and I were talking about trying to wean him off the formula at night and that I might try to breast feed him in bed at night once I go back to work so that I can get more nursing time in since I'll lose the day time nursing sessions. It is a little bit harder to get him latched in bed at night since it's dark, but I gave it a shot last  night and he sleeps so well once he's breast fed as opposed to bottle fed and we have our own version of co-sleeping down and he loves it. 

I'm nervous that I've created a little monster because he loves being held all the time and kinda flips his shit once he realizes that he's been put down. I discovered this week that while he isn't so fond of bath time in his little bath, he did like taking a bath with me and floating in the bathwater. Obviously he doesn't float completely on his own, but when I supported him and let him lay back he looked so relaxed and content. I think we are going to start a bath time/bed time ritual soon to try and get the most of how it tuckers him out before bedtime. 

It is so exciting to feel like we are getting more and more into a routine and learning what each little sound a cry means. I have a baby, I'm a mom! That's so nuts to me. I just can't get over how cute he is and how much I love to snuggle with him. 

Big yawn!!

6 week birthday kisses from his brother, Sam

My adventure walking all three babies

Just chillin' in bed with Mom!

On a non-baby note, I started CrossFit again! It feels so great to be getting in the "Oh my God, I'm going to die" workouts again. I've been getting a little frustrated that some of the movements are feeling as foreign as they did when I first learned them, I just have to remind myself that muscle memory will kick in and that I'll get back in my groove soon. Laying Ryker on my bruises from power cleans is definitely a different feeling, haha! Monday was this killer workout with 30 reps of 8 different movements: burpees, kettlebell swings, wall balls, pull ups, box jumps, jump rope, thrusters and toes to bar. Holy cow, that one hurt. Yesterday was power cleans and pushups, I'm pretty sure I'll be walking funny all weekend from those workouts. I also got a couple miles in this week and am hoping to get some more in this weekend. 

I've made some pretty tasty meals lately on the grill which  I need to add to the tasty eats section of the blog, I have so much that I need to do on here!

Marinated flank steak with oranges and red peppers

Arugula salad with lemon-olive oil dressing (I used way too much lemon juice, woops!) with grilled chicken pizza with fresh chopped basil and red onions

Also, I started reading my books for my doula certification, I really have to write my review of Bestfeeding soon, I figure that will be the best way for me to keep the books and their information straight. That should be coming soon, I promise.

Ryker's Kassel Grandparents are coming to visit today! They'll be here for the weekend and I'm sure it's going to be so fun :) Lots of pictures to come! 

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