Our day starts early, with Cora and I up around 5 for her to nurse and I start the coffee. Usually, I try to have her back down in our room by 5:45 so that I can be at the gym by 6 am and get the bulk of my workout done. Ryker gets up around 7 and will play in his room until Vic frees our little monster for breakfast! I get back to the house around 8 and help Vic get out the door while trying to clean up after the tornado mess that the boys create in the morning. Cora usually nurses again around then and Ryker and I settle in for the Today show on the TV and either Mickey Mouse or Dinosaur Train on my computer for him.
Ryker, Cora and I play in their room until nap time, unless I'm brave enough to take everyone out for an adventure. I generally try to make sure that any out of the house excursions are planned to get the kids home by noon so that Ryker can get his nap in. This also gives me time in the afternoon to get the stuff around the house done since he usually sleeps for close to three hours. We've gone to the aquarium, the big park nearby and made many trips to Target for our adventures lately, learning to successfully get out of the house with both kids without forgetting anything has been a huge feat for me and I'm proud to say that I haven't forgotten diapers in the last week, haha.
I made myself a schedule, being the planner that I am, to organize my day and week around the house while the kids nap so I don't get stuck sitting on the couch and watching HGTV all day. Every day I tackle vacuuming the living areas, cleaning the kitchen, making our bed and doing one load of laundry. Then, each day has it's own assignment. For instance, Monday is master bathroom day, Tuesday is the kid's bathroom, and so on. It helps me feel like I'm getting something accomplished outside of our errands and has really helped my transition to being at home while I'm on the job hunt.
Usually while the kids are down I'll also hop on my treadmill and knock out a few miles. I decided to start training for the Shamrock Marathon this Spring on top of my training with Ashley Horner, so needless to say I'm always sore! That outlet has also really helped with staying sane! Recently, I signed the kids and I up at Vic's gym so that I can drop them off in their daycare and Ryker can play with other kids while I work out.
Once Ryker is up, we all play outside with his water table or with chalk or if the weather is super horrible, it's been way too hot some days, we hang out inside and work on his letters and numbers and such in his room and then watch Planes, the kid loves that movie.
By the time that's all done Vic is usually home and he takes the kids so I can get a few minutes alone before I start dinner. This is all very different than waking up and putting on my steel toe boots and being in a building with no windows all day, surrounded by computers and I love it. Of course, the fact that I can wear yoga pants all day contributes to that and I love having my hair down, it's crazy how long it got after all those years of having it back in a tight bun!
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