Sunday, January 25, 2015

Oh, hey there!

Well, at least I made sure to get a blog post in before the end of the first month of the new year! Things have been so crazy around here and to be honest, trying to find time to sit and get my thoughts typed out probably would have been a blessing but it just seemed like so much work. Ho hum, no more thinking that way! Most people already know, but guess what? We're pregnant again! I am just shy of 15 weeks with our second little monkey. Things are definitely different when you're pregnant with a toddler, a job (that you'll be leaving shortly after giving birth), trying to finish up your graduate degree and a husband that is about to embark on a whole new career adventure himself. Like I said before, things have been hectic!

Everyone is convinced that it's a girl and really, at first I was kind of disappointed at the idea of a girl. I like being the mom of a little guy. But, that's silly and I started thinking about it and I'd actually kind of like the idea of still being able to tell Ryker he's my favorite little boy in the world and then tell his sister that she's my favorite little girl. Of course, I really will be truly happy with whatever it is that's growing in there, I can't wait to just find out already! I've been way more tired with this baby so far, but then I think that having a toddler to come home to, instead of just my husband and my bed, has made a big difference there. I've been horrible about eating well, unless you count the hundreds of pineapples I must have eaten by now! I just started a new program from athlete Ashley Horner that she wrote during her pregnancy and I think it has been the kick in the butt that I needed. I have no doubt that if I work it the way I should and I get my eating in check I should be able to put muscle on while avoiding any crazy weight gain (beyond what I need to gain, of course).

Little 14 week baby bump action at the gym!

In other exciting news, I signed up for my doula workshop! I'll be going in March to finally get that process going. I really want to be able to start my business and focus on helping women love their pregnant selves. I'm sure I've been driving my sports professors crazy by trying my best to turn every research opportunity into one that involves pregnancy, but it has really helped me keep my focus and the pregnant body and the beauty of labor and birth are just so amazing to me!

Ryker is growing like a weed and causing all sorts of trouble, just like little boys should. He's slowly growing his vocabulary. His latest favorite? No. Not the most awesome word. He also calls all animals "Chelsea", for some reason he's fallen madly in love with just our St. Bernard. He calls out "Dad" in the morning when he's ready to get up for the day and says "hi" to everyone and everything with the cutest wave and smile. If a door opens he'll ask "who's that" and one time I got him to say "snack" for me. The pediatrician had brought up a specialist to just check and see if there was a reason for his smaller vocabulary, but I'm not worried. He's learning something new everyday and he's constantly babbling, so I'm not going to stress it until we see the doctor again. I think he's just going at Ryker speed, and for now I'm good with that. He's so tall these days that he can get anything off the counters and climbs on the couch like a champ. He also loves trying to drink tea and I consider him my new diet, since he gets at least a third of whatever I'm eating by asking for a bite with his mouth wide open and going "aaaaahhhh" in the cutest little way.

Vic and I are hoping to do a little staycation sometime soon as a little baby moon. I can't imagine life with two babies and I know we would both appreciate a meal or two and some morning time alone before we have two little people needing us. Everyone deserves a break every now and then right? I felt bad today, I was just so exhausted that I hid in the room after I woke up from a nap, just not ready to go be mommy yet. Of course, once I saw that little face I was happy to teach him how to make police car sounds (his new favorite toy) and play with him, but man...somedays that kid really wears me out!

I promise to try and be much better about keeping up with everything and to have some more pictures soon! Follow me over on Instagram at @ninarynae, I post a lot there and there is also my Facebook page at Talk to you soon!

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