Monday, October 13, 2014

Our Weekend

This Virginia weather is making me nuts. Saturday, I was so excited because as I left yoga it was 80 degrees and then about an hour or so later it had already dropped twelve degrees.

By the time Vic and I went out for a much needed date night, it had dropped down into cooler weather and I was all bundled up in my Scuba hoodie and my favorite Hunter rain boots. We went out to go to the Pumpkin Patch for a haunted hay ride and some spooky maze time! It was pretty fun, Vic didn't get scared at all and I was totally spooked. 

Today, we went back to the Pumpkin Patch to go get our front door pumpkins and to let Ryker run around at the petting zoo. Do you have the app called Time Hop? It showed that this day last year we went to the pumpkin patch with Ryker for the first time, so it was pretty fun to go and take pictures, it is crazy how much he has grown!

We also started the Walking Dead this weekend. I was a little reluctant, but figured that if they put it on television it can't be that bad. It took a couple of episodes for me to get into it, but we just started season two and I'm pretty hooked. Since I knew that we would be binge watching, I hopped on our stationary bike, split a pumpkin beer with Vic and pedaled away for an hour. I wound up grabbing my dumbbells and got in a pretty great upper body workout while I pedaled too! A half marathon later, I didn't feel so bad about the Pumpkin Spice Oreos that I bought!

#Basic, I know! But they are amazing and totally worth it, now to try and not eat the whole pack tonight....

It's back to work tomorrow. Can you believe that we are already half way through October? We ordered Halloween costumes for Ryker and I this weekend, I'll be sure to post pictures of us in them when we run the Wicked 10k, they are pretty epic! 

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