Saturday, September 27, 2014

Crockpot Salsa Chicken

Ever since we got a legit crock pot as a gift I have been doing my best to make as many meals as possible using it. Crock pot meals are just so convenient and anything you make in there typically tastes better and better as left overs. Today, I have a ton of work to do for my final projects for my Strength and Conditioning course and my Topics in Sports and Health Sciences, so our dinner is cooking away for the next eight hours. Tonight will be taco night, starring Salsa Chicken! It is super easy and you can make a ton of left overs for taco salads and chicken to use with eggs for throughout the week. Here's the quick throw together idea:

We always buy our chicken from Whole Foods in the giant packs because you get a discount for buying more than three pounds at a time! I just dumped a whole package in the crock pot. You could probably add another pound or so for weekly food prep, just be sure to mix it up so that it cooks evenly. 

We also get out diced tomatoes from Whole Foods, I got a giant can of their diced tomatoes and just poured the whole can in, no need to drain. 

I love the Salsa Verde from WF, it's perfect with eggs, as a salad dressing or just with chips. I poured about a cup over the diced tomatoes. 

Then, I added two tablespoons of chopped garlic, about a tablespoon of chili powder, and then 5 drops or so of liquid smoke. The liquid smoke helps to make it taste like you grilled everything first, it is really helpful with BBQ chicken also! I normally would add a hefty dose of cumin, but I'm out today. I would add about a tablespoon as well if you have some. 

And there you go! Just let it hang out it there for about six hours and serve over greens as a salad or use it for tacos! I think we will be giving the wraps from Against All Grain a shot. Now, back to my homework!

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