Saturday, September 20, 2014

Boobs. Yep....boobs.

Here's a new kind of post! So, as my last year in the Navy has started I'm making sure to tie up any loose ends now, as far as health care is concerned, so that I don't have to worry about anything crazy popping up later that I didn't know about. This doesn't mean I'm trying to find random ailments or anything, just want to make sure any possible dental issues are good, skin cancer recheck (another thing I forgot to reschedule after a surgery, whoops...) my physical therapy is successful and stuff like that. On that note, I went to the plastic surgeon at the Naval Hospital a week or so ago. Yep, plastic surgery. I got my boobs done back in 2007. I met my doctor one day after some fairly extensive Google searching and in all of my 20 year old wisdom I decided to sign up for a surgery later that week. Don't get me wrong, I made sure my family knew what was up and he wasn't some hack doctor, but I probably could have spent more time on the issue. I like what he did, so that worked out nicely, but...

Did you know you're supposed to get those suckers checked out via MRI every two years? Probably would have been good information to have, right? It's been seven years and until that appointment this month there has been zero medical attention paid to my boobs. I went in there because one feels like it wants to check out the surrounding area, movin' around a bit, so I figured it would probably be a good idea to see what was up. That's when I was informed that apparently that one isn't even the one that they would be concerned about looking at via MRI, the other one is. Great. Moral of the story...boob jobs aren't a set it and forget it kind of deal, you need to get them checked more often than you think!

Other things to get covered before I'm out, I've got to go to the Navy's "how to get out of the Navy and not wind up in the employment line" class. I've heard good and bad things about it. I'm still in Physical Therapy twice a week for my neck and my shoulder, turns out my surgery recovery has been all wonky because I'm out of whack from the feet up. Good news is, they're figuring out and I'm on the mend. I've never been so uncomfortable before. I'm not sure if I'm noticing the pain because it's new or if it has always been there and all of the physical therapy is teaching me to notice little things like that. I do get a kick out of using what I learn in school in my PT, I love talking to the girls about how everything works!

Speaking of school, I've got way too much work to do tomorrow in too little time. Three classes may not have been the best idea, but now I'm almost half way done with my graduate degree in six months!

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