So, we left at 6:30 in the morning...and I hit the worst traffic EVER. Siri had me weaving through side streets to avoid the terrible freeway, and then dumped me at a freeway entrance that took almost an hour to get onto with the traffic lights and congestion. We finally get to Disneyland, Cora has been screaming the whole way, and they loop me around the park three times before sending me into the parking lot that is furthest away. Now, here's the thing, I go to Disneyland sometimes for my cardio! So the walk wasn't really a problem, except that I had been in my car for an extra hour and a half and really had to pee. I unload the car and load the stroller only to realize there is a piece of metal sticking out of my low tire. I call Vic freaking out, and we decide to call USAA and have roadside assistance meet me after I get a few hours of Mickey with the kids. Fast forward to running back out to the car, it turns out the metal was barely in there (I didn't mess with it too much for fear of creating a leak) and we were on our way home. There were so many tears from all three of us in the car, but in the end the day was great and I actually wanted to try again the next day. Disney problem much, anyone?
Days like that are great for perspective, and helped my parenting a bit. I was a terrible Mom in the car, despite the whole trip being about giving the kids and I a great day! Cora wants to hold my hand, from the back seat, while we drive. All the time! So, she's screaming at me, Ryker wanted her to be quiet and wanted to know when we would be at Disneyland and traffic was making me crazy. I muttered to myself that I was going to throw Cora out the window if she didn't shush, and that sent Ryker over the edge. "Don't throw Cora out the window, Mom! She's my best friend!" It took a good 20 minutes to calm him down and convince him that I didn't mean it, that I was just frustrated. He's so aware, and at three, I forget that he's turning into a real little person, he's not a baby anymore. He thanked me and apologized for "making you impossibly crazy" all day. All I wanted to do was ease his little mind's worries and get a smile on his face, and Disneyland never fails there! I generally have a long fuse with the kids, but with my prep and everything it has definitely gotten shorter. That morning was a reminder that I chose to do this for me and I need to keep my shit together for them!
Now, on to the fun stuff. The recipe I'm going to share is from a family cookbook. It is supposed to be muffins, but I baked them as cookies to make it easier for Cora to hold them. I don't suggest the cookie route, they were too moist and Ryker got weirded out, so, we'll stick to muffins! It's been hard for me to not snack on these all day, they've got a good amount of pumpkin and banana, so they're healthy in my book, haha! I ran the macros for the recipe done as cookies, and for 40 little cookies it came to roughly 120 calories, 4 grams of fat, 19 grams of carbs and 2 grams of protein. Let me know if you try them!