Sunday, July 26, 2015

One month!

As you can see, she was stoked on taking pictures today!

I can't believe that Cora is already a month old! I realized that her birthday falls exactly six months from Christmas, which I think is pretty cool, so only five to go! She's developed a pretty good schedule and has become a great feeder, she's super efficient when she wants to be. We've figured out that she loves to be swaddled, which Ryker hated, that's made our lives a lot easier. Her swing, found here, is a life saver. If we swaddle her and turn on the static sound that the swing makes she's done for as long as we need her to be sleeping so that we can get things done around the house (like play with big brother!).

Ryker has recently discovered that Cora is in fact going to be sticking around and affecting his amount of time with our sole attention, so we've been dealing with a few extra tantrums and a slightly more difficult nighttime routine. I've been trying to make sure that he gets more time devoted strictly to him to help with this new beginning of our lives, yesterday he even got his first Starbucks treat while him and I went out for early Saturday morning coffee! I say early, but it was actually the first day that everyone slept until 9, oh man...9 am! I couldn't believe it when I checked the clock. Lately, I end up bringing Cora into bed with me at the 5-6 am feeding and we fall asleep together. Once she's done eating she curls up and attaches to me like a little barnacle and will sleep like that for hours, which is super nice. That's what happened yesterday morning and we all got the most sleep that we have in a while.

Vic and I had our first date night Friday night since adding our Little Miss to the family, the lucky girl got to come along while Ryker stayed home with our baby sitter. We went out to our favorite fancy restaurant for some great ambiance. It was nice getting out for a dinner that didn't involve cutting up Ryker's food but Cora was like a celebrity! Everyone wanted to look at her and talk about her and to be honest, eventually we just wanted to be left alone with our adorable baby. At one point I was feeding her under a blanket at our table and the woman next to us turned her chair and just watched me. It was crazy. She was very nice, but that was a little awkward. Besides that it was a perfect night out!

On a different note, here are some things that have kept me sane over the last month:

ProBar Cookie Dough protein bars. These and lots of coffee have kept me going the last month. I can eat them with one hand while I feed Cora and most days they are really all I can stomach. I forget to eat half the time because I'm just not that hungry, so I make sure that I at least have this in the morning. I've started getting back to my normal egg routine though, so these have been a great snack.

Pampers Swaddlers. These have been great for holding in those lovely breastmilk diapers, anyone who has changed one of those knows that they need to be contained well. Swaddlers have a different layer on them that really holds everything in well. Cloth diapering with Ryker once he was on solids was a real test, I can't imagine how Momma's cloth diaper with breastfed newborns, you'd have to have hundreds of them! We're running through diapers like crazy.
Oribe hairspray. This stuff smells absolutely amazing and helps me get away with washing my hair once every three days or so. I fell in love with their anti-humidity spray years ago and then found this and it's been a great love affair ever since. If I spray this all over after I blow dry, my air won't get greasy and will look semi good all three days, it generally ends up in a pony tail anyways, but I know for sure it smells amazing with this stuff!
Netflix, peanut butter and Ezekiel Cinnamon Raison bread have also been huge staples in my life lately. We're back on our eMeals subscription and have been getting some good dinner ideas from there, but some nights we just grill up the prepped burgers from Whole Foods. I love how grilling is just so easy and quite frankly, it's so hot here that most nights there is just no way in hell that I'm turning the oven on. 

That's all for now, Cora is starting to stir and will be needing her Momma soon. I hope you had a great weekend!

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