Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Workouts, nutrition, school and my boys!

Oh, hey there! It's been too long, right? Things have gotten a little crazy over here, but I wouldn't have it any other way. So, here's a wrap up of the time that has passed since the last time we talked! I finished my Nutrition course and my Statistics course and luckily squeaked by with a B+ in both. I can't lie, my Nutrition professor was giving a ton of work, so I may have phoned it in just a bit towards the end, but I did get an A on my final project, click here to head over and watch it! I've started my next two courses, Strength Training and Anatomy and Motor Control and Learning. They both seem pretty interesting and I'm really excited about how they will help me with programming as a personal trainer!

Speaking of personal training, I'll be certified at the end of the month! Vic and I are so excited to take our exams and you know what? I know we're going to pass with flying colors. We are in a six week seminar for it right now and we are acing it. I love it. I've also already gotten a friend of mine all set up to be my first client and I couldn't be more excited! 

Last weekend, I got to participate in the 31 Heroes WOD, which memorializes and helps us honor the 30 men and their service dog that passed away serving their country three years ago. The turnout was amazing, which it is every year, and the workout was killer. It's a partner WOD and I partnered up with Misty's husband Pat. I could hear Ryker screaming for me during the whole workout, over the cheering and the music, so for the last round I grabbed Ryker and used him for thrusters and took him on a 400 meter run in the rain and he loved it! It's amazing getting to have him and Vic there to support me, getting them involved is even better. 

Like I said before, I've started practicing my programming for myself and for Lucille, who will be my first client. These workouts have been great for me this week, give them a shot and let me know what you think!

My involvement with Juice Plus+ has taken off and two of my friends have joined me on this path to spreading health and wellness through prevention and nutrition. My mother, brother, and two of my grandmothers have also started using Juice Plus+, along with my little family and I am so glad that they are taking care of themselves a little better with this extra step. 

I couldn't be happier right now. I start my days at 5:15 so that I can sip some coffee in a totally quiet house until 6:00, when I head out for my workout. Unfortunately, the sun is starting to come up later and later, but it's still not so bad to run first thing because I get to see the sun come up most mornings! After that, I'm straight off to work, I get home and generally have a call or two with my Juice Plus+ team before or after I start dinner and then it's time for Vic and I to have some time to ourselves and then it starts all over the next day! It's crazy and some days I worry that with adding training and Juice Plus+ to my school and work schedule is absolutely nuts, but I am so confident that this is our ticket to the exact life that we want. Everyone has to put in the time on the grind, right? 

I'm so ready for football season, are you involved in a Fantasy team at all? It is so much fun! Even though it is only poopy preseason, it still means that it is football time and I'm stoked. I love fall, I am so over the hot weather and the humidity. I'm a sweaters, Uggs, and leggings kind of girl. Here is a picture of Vic and I at our first annual trip to an NFL game! 

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