Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My new opportunity!

Last week a friend of mine posted to Facebook about having an awesome opportunity in the health and wellness industry. Of course, I jumped right on board and asked what was up. After listening to everything she had to say, hours of reading clinical studies and doing my own research I can confidently announce how excited I am to be a part of Juice Plus+! 

I have to be totally honest, I was skeptical and I haven't had the product long enough to give you a first hand experience, that will come with time. But my skepticism fell to the way side as I learned more and more about the company and their product. Basically, they take the juices of 17 different fruits, veggies and grains, dry them and put them into a capsule for you. Have you ever tried juicing? Vic and I did for a while. I tried to justify the money spent on produce that was above and beyond what we had as snacks or with meals. I tried to get over the lack of room in my fridge, the constant restocking (like every other day!), but what got me was cleaning the damn juicer. What a mess! Our juicing experience didn't last very long, sadly. 

Neither of us can stomach multivitamins, so we don't bother. But even with clean eating and tons of varied produce with each meal I knew we weren't getting everything we need. Enter Juice Plus+. It's not an excuse to give up on fresh fruits and veggies, but you know how you're supposed to get all the colors of the rainbow? It can help with that. Got kids that will not eat anything green? It can help with that, too. I'm so excited to see how we benefit from taking this supplement, especially since it's made from REAL FOOD. It's gluten and dairy free, and it has nutritional facts, not supplement information because again, it's real food! 

Please check out my site, link below, or shoot me an email if you want to learn more. From the original Juice Plus+, to protein powders and the Children's Health Study, I have so much that I would love to talk to you about! 


My email:

But really, take the time to consider how much you could benefit from bridging the gap between what your body wants and what your fridge and stomach can hold! 

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