Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Disneyland, birthday cake and physical therapy

Hi Guys!

Summer is here! It might not be totally official yet, but in my mind as soon as the 90+ degree heat, Virginia humidity and middle of the night, wake you up thunderstorms show up, summer is here! 

Since the last time we talked we packed the family up and went to California for Ryker's first birthday and a two trips to Disneyland and some time at California Adventure. I've started physical therapy, which is miserable but great at the same time. Ryker had his one year physical and broke the twenty pound mark and I've become obsessed with pineapple and peanut butter. Not together, but that makes me wonder...

First up, Ryker's birthday and our trip to California! We flew out from Norfolk at 5 pm on a Friday night. Now that we've tried that I think that flying close to bedtime (his is at 7) is the only way to go. He was all about crawling on our seats, we got three so he had room to roam between Vic and I, and then he happily crashed on my lap and I got a couple hours of quality snuggles before we landed. All in all, the flights out to San Diego were pretty uneventful! 

When we landed we were greeted by a pretty surprising add from PETA, asking traveler's to boycott Sea World. Have you seen Black Fish? I haven't yet, mostly because I know it will make me sad, but Vic watched it and told me all about it. He's been begging me to watch it for weeks. I totally get the message and think that what they are being accused of is sick. But, there is a part of me that thinks of summers and so many weekends spent growing up at Sea World and makes me sad to think of tainting that. We went to Sea World with Ryker and my family last summer, he was just a few weeks old. To be honest, that place has changed and it seemed pretty run down and was way to crowded. We had decided then that we weren't too stoked on it, but after Black Fish they've pretty much been black listed. 

Saturday we spent with my grandma's, just chilling at the house. It was so nice getting to spend the day with Ryker's Great Grandma Carol and his Great Great Grandma, who we call Baby Grandma. How many babies get to have a Great Great Grandma? We brought Portillo's for lunch and just spent the day catching up and the Grandma's got some good cuddles in. 

Sunday was Ryker's party and it was so much fun! We got to catch up with family and friends and some people met Ryker for the first time. Vic's parents happened to be in town, so they got to be at the party too. Considering everyone in our family lives in different states, it was awesome to see us all together for his first birthday, minus his aunts, who were both out of the country.

Tuesday was a lay around the house day, but Monday and Wednesday were the best, we got to go to the Happiest Place on Earth! I am a Disneyland fiend. I grew up going there all the time, we generally had year passes. I am obsessed with that place. Taking my little family there was a dream come true and we had so much fun on the kid's rides in Fantasy Land and the big kid rides everywhere else. My poor brother was probably bored out of his mind, but he was a great sport while doing Disneyland with a baby. Wednesday we went back with Ryker's Uncle Danny, who had never been. We started at California Adventure. I had gotten Ryker a badge because it was his birthday and Monday I had bought an autograph book for when we met all of the characters. We had so much fun taking pictures with them all! I feel like I officially understand a new aspect of motherhood: the I'll wait while everyone else goes on rides because I'm so happy they're happy aspect. Those two days were beautiful and everything I wanted them to be. They were also hot as all get out and we had to buy Ryker an outfit because he wet through a million diapers, but it was all worth it. 

I'm 8 weeks out from my surgery and I've been in Physical Therapy for three...maybe four of those? PT sucks. Especially now that we are aggressively working on range of motion. I got a touch of that yesterday and man, that stuff hurts. It's time to break up the scar tissue and that just doesn't feel good. I've made it back in to CrossFit Rife twice now and getting into workouts feels amazing. I miss that vibe and the hard work so much! I had a big day yesterday. It seems silly, but I had my first workout in a sports bra and having the confidence to strip off my sweaty, sticky shirt was a big moment. It was over ninety degrees out and the workout was killer, it was a good day to feel good enough about myself to just get comfortable and kill the rest of the workout. 

Ryker's physical went great and once again Dr. Lehman said he's perfect! He's at the 20% mark for weight (21 pounds, 15.5 ounces), 90% for height (31.25 inches) and 50% for head circumference. He's cleared to eat anything we would eat and he's supposed to go cold turkey on bottles. We're working on lowering the number of bottles, but cold turkey just isn't working yet. He only gets two or three bottles a day tops, the morning one is really the only one that makes life easier for all of us. The rest of the time he gets his big boy breakfast, lunch and dinner. He loves fish sticks and strawberries, and gets eggs and bananas for breakfast. Not a fan of macaroni and cheese or orange juice. Oh, and he's into EVERYTHING. We recently made the jump from nine month size clothes all the way to 18 month clothes! We went to Carter's and got him a whole new wardrobe, luckily they still have the outfits with little crabbies on them, I love those. 

There's our update for this month! School is going great too, I got an A in my Physiology class! I'm in Nutrition now and still in my horrible Statistics class. Father's Day is coming up, I'll be sure to have some pictures if we do something fun!  

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