Monday, March 3, 2014

Flex, Chicks and Mustaches

The Livefit trainer program with Jamie Eason has been kicking my ass! The good news is, I've been getting into Flex twice a week and I'm starting to feel like a regular, which I think is pretty cool because I'm the random in there amongst the old buff guys and super intense young buff guys. I've been using the Bodyspace App for the iPhone and I'm absolutely in love with it. When you put in your sets it has a one rep max calculator right there, along with tips and videos. I try to challenge myself to beat my one rep max, even if its only by .1 of a pound each time. 

I've got a little under two weeks until the Shamrock Half and guess how many times I've ran since the VA is for Lovers 14k two weeks ago? Zero, a big fat goose egg. We'll see how that goes. I don't even know how that happened, all of a sudden the race is in two weeks and I haven't ran for two weeks. So...time to get started back on that! 

Vic and I have an awesome vacation planned for the week of my birthday and our anniversary, which also happens to be the week before the big race. Luckily, the hotel that I found in South Carolina is super outdoorsy so I'm really excited to hike with the boys and be outside a lot. Hopefully, I can get in a few long runs while we are there too. Vic and I have already checked out the nearby gyms so that we can try and still get some workouts in while we are down there. There's that fit life, gotta find gyms ten miles away while you're on vacation!

We're still loving our eMeals Paleo plan, but after many pleading requests from Vic, I've started adding in some more carbs. I've been tracking my calorie intake and macros, and I've discovered that I have a nut addiction, mainly in the form of LaraBars. So, that obviously had to change. My fat intake was turning out to be around 50% of my calories, that's ridiculous! I've got things under control now though, I just have to really work on my protein intake. Ever since I got pregnant with Ryker, my ability to scarf down meat just hasn't been the same. For instance, tonight I made a pretty delicious Hot, Asian Chicken Thigh meal, the sauce was great, and I just couldn't do it. I forced down a decent serving and moved on. It's really just chicken, now that I think about it. I can chow down on a burger any day! Always something to improve on, right?

I promised last time that I'd try to get some evidence of Ryker crawling. He's way too slick for video taping, but here is a picture of him trying! Aren't my concrete floors awesome? Allegedly, the contractor will have the floors we ordered to us by the end of the week. I can't wait! We decided to put them down ourselves, so that should be interesting. 

It's snowing here tonight. Again. It was 73 yesterday! It was my friend Janae's birthday yesterday, so we all surprised her at Chick's Oyster Bar and enjoyed the awesome weather. It was flip flop and shorts weather, and now we're back in blankets and fires, with the heat turned up. Crazy talk. 

Jade had brought some awesome party favors, Ryker really appreciated getting to try out Daddy's facial hair. 

I'll leave you with some yummy broccoli! This might be my new favorite side dish. You can do the same thing with asparagus, trust me, it's SUPER delicious and outrageously simple. Lay down some foil and it's like the easiest clean up ever. 

Easiest, tastiest broccoli to go with any protein! Two pounds of broccoli (lots for lunches, too!), drizzled with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and sprinkled with lemon pepper. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes, or until toasty. Yum!

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