Wednesday, February 12, 2014


It's snowing...AGAIN! The first few days it was fun, but today I was so cold just getting from my car into work. I'm officially ready for summer! I can't wait to be able to load Ryker up in the stroller and go out for a run and not have to worry about his blanket covering him and his poor little nose being runny and red. In the spirit of being ready for warmer temps and less clothing, I've been kicking ass at the gym.

The beginning of our latest snow dump. Boo to that. 

Tuesday: Chest and Triceps

I went to Flex all by my lonesome for the first time. I definitely like the morning people more than the late afternoon people, but I'm sure I'll win them all over soon enough. I'm just so used to people at Rife walking up and introducing themselves to Newbies, so the semi-cold reception I got was a new thing for me. I did sign up for a three month membership though, so I need to go at least 14 times in three months to break even with the day passes I could have gotten. Shouldn't be too bad right? Here's the workout I did yesterday:

Dumbbell Incline Press: 3 sets of 7x20lbs
Chest Flies: 10x50lbs, 10x60lbs, 10x60lbs
Cable Tricep Pushdown: 3 sets of 10x80lbs
Incline Chest Press: 7x50lbs, 2 sets of 7x60lbs
Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 10x15lb DB's
Single Arm Tricep Pushdown: 10x30lbs 8x40lbs
1 mile on the treadmill at home

My chest is definitely one of the harder muscle areas for me to work on. For one, I hate working on it, and secondly- it kind of hurts my shoulder. So, I take it kind of easy, especially when I'm working out alone and don't have someone help me when I get to a shaky spot. I love working triceps though! I could do them all day. 

Wednesday: Back and Biceps, and a WOD too!

Today, like a crazy person, I got up at 4:30 am to be at Rife by 5:00 to do the following:

14lb Wall Balls
GHD Pushups
65# Front Squats
Box Jumps
15lb Kettle Bell Swings

It took me 13:25 and it was horribly awesome. I left there and went to the base gym to do my lifting workout. That was...

Dumbbell Curls: 3 sets of 10x20lbs
Single Arm DB Row: 3 sets of 12x20lbs
Seated Row: 7x 80lbs, 3 sets of 8x80 lbs, 7x70lbs
Cable Bicep Curls: 7x60lbs, 7x50lbs, 8x50lbs
Lat Pulldown: 10x60lbs, 9x70lbs, 10x70lbs
10 minutes on the elliptical
1 mile on the treadmill

I was pretty much dead by the time I was done. Pumped...but my arms are pretty blasted! I think tomorrow is shoulders....ugh. We'll see how that goes. It might be my first trip to Flex at 5:30 in the morning if we don't have a snow day. Cross your fingers for the snow day!!

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