Sunday, February 23, 2014

Muddy wheels, bare feet and pretty trees

This has been one of those perfect weekends where we did absolutely nothing special, but I'd love to just stay frozen in these few days forever! Friday, Vic and I met up with our friend Misty for dinner at Lubo. That place never fails to please. They've got these gorgonzola nachos that are to die for and a goat cheese burger that make me equally happy. Needless to say, it was a cheat dinner, but all that cheese and some Cooper's beers were well worth it!

Friday was pretty soggy, so I was extra happy when we woke up on Saturday to some of the most beautiful weather that we've seen in a while. The cutest thing happened that morning with Ryker, ok, one of the cutest things. A little back story....When Vic and I were dating, we'd be sitting at dinner or something and I'd look over to him just staring at me. I'm the worst with extended eye contact, so I'd look at his goofy little grin and just ask "what?". He'd always reply with a simple "just looking'" and keep on smiling at me. Saturday morning, I was holding Ryker while he drank his morning bottle, and after he finished we started watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians (don't judge). I look down at Ryker and he's just grinning at me and I asked him "whatcha lookin' at?" and he mumbled at me and kept on grinning. Like father, like son? It was so cute it almost had me in tears. He is just so much fun these days, he loves to cuddle and try to climb us, thinks my hair is extremely fascinating to play with and has just started crawling! He's extra sneaky about it, so if I ever manage to catch a video I'll let you know, but for now he seems to want to keep the whole crawling thing on the D.L. 

As I mentioned before, Saturday was some pretty fantastic weather, so we looked up a new state park and made our way down to Chesapeake to check out Otter Point Trail. I apparently didn't check it out very well, because we tried to brave the trail with the BOB and the pups and it was still way to muddy and full of soggy leaves for that to work. So, we took to the slightly less exciting, but still gorgeous, paved trail and had an awesome time! 

Sunday turned out to be an even more beautiful day, but we were super lazy and just opened up all the windows and did laundry, watched a million episodes of the Sopranos and watched Ryker try to crawl around. As always, I'm super stoked to get my training back on tomorrow, Sundays are always lazy and Mondays are always hit it hard days! I think I might try to start mixing up muscle groups this week and train everything more often, I also think Vic and I might do some measurements and photos tonight. I met with my surgeon this week and, while I'm probably getting worried for nothing, I'm starting to get stressed about the downtime after my surgery so I think I'm just going to do my best to train extra hard and eat as clean as possible leading up to it so that I feel well prepared for some healing!

Time to get some meal prep done and get the house picked up. Ryker likes to chill in his Bumbo chair outside with us, so we might even grill tonight's dinner and throw around the football. Ugh, I am just SO excited for this beautiful, sunny weather! It's officially "time to show off my pedicure" weather. I love it, makes me feel like I'm back in CA. I hope you had as special of a weekend as we did and that you're pumped up to get back into the game on Monday. Have a nice, relaxing, calm before the storm kind of Sunday night, I know we will!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


It's snowing...AGAIN! The first few days it was fun, but today I was so cold just getting from my car into work. I'm officially ready for summer! I can't wait to be able to load Ryker up in the stroller and go out for a run and not have to worry about his blanket covering him and his poor little nose being runny and red. In the spirit of being ready for warmer temps and less clothing, I've been kicking ass at the gym.

The beginning of our latest snow dump. Boo to that. 

Tuesday: Chest and Triceps

I went to Flex all by my lonesome for the first time. I definitely like the morning people more than the late afternoon people, but I'm sure I'll win them all over soon enough. I'm just so used to people at Rife walking up and introducing themselves to Newbies, so the semi-cold reception I got was a new thing for me. I did sign up for a three month membership though, so I need to go at least 14 times in three months to break even with the day passes I could have gotten. Shouldn't be too bad right? Here's the workout I did yesterday:

Dumbbell Incline Press: 3 sets of 7x20lbs
Chest Flies: 10x50lbs, 10x60lbs, 10x60lbs
Cable Tricep Pushdown: 3 sets of 10x80lbs
Incline Chest Press: 7x50lbs, 2 sets of 7x60lbs
Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 10x15lb DB's
Single Arm Tricep Pushdown: 10x30lbs 8x40lbs
1 mile on the treadmill at home

My chest is definitely one of the harder muscle areas for me to work on. For one, I hate working on it, and secondly- it kind of hurts my shoulder. So, I take it kind of easy, especially when I'm working out alone and don't have someone help me when I get to a shaky spot. I love working triceps though! I could do them all day. 

Wednesday: Back and Biceps, and a WOD too!

Today, like a crazy person, I got up at 4:30 am to be at Rife by 5:00 to do the following:

14lb Wall Balls
GHD Pushups
65# Front Squats
Box Jumps
15lb Kettle Bell Swings

It took me 13:25 and it was horribly awesome. I left there and went to the base gym to do my lifting workout. That was...

Dumbbell Curls: 3 sets of 10x20lbs
Single Arm DB Row: 3 sets of 12x20lbs
Seated Row: 7x 80lbs, 3 sets of 8x80 lbs, 7x70lbs
Cable Bicep Curls: 7x60lbs, 7x50lbs, 8x50lbs
Lat Pulldown: 10x60lbs, 9x70lbs, 10x70lbs
10 minutes on the elliptical
1 mile on the treadmill

I was pretty much dead by the time I was done. Pumped...but my arms are pretty blasted! I think tomorrow is shoulders....ugh. We'll see how that goes. It might be my first trip to Flex at 5:30 in the morning if we don't have a snow day. Cross your fingers for the snow day!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Back to the Grind

Can you believe it is already February 10? How does time fly so fast these days? I blame it on the kid, something about desperately wanting him to be a baby as long as possible makes time speed up. We're officially at the phase where he is just more and more fun each day. He babbles all day, he doesn't crawl but he's an expert at scooting backwards and rolling in the direction he wants to go, he cracks up at eskimo kisses and he reaches for his Daddy when I'm holding him. 

Seeing his little personality come out is awesome and while on one hand I can't wait to hear that little voice say real words and I think seeing his funny bobble head walking around would be the cutest thing, it completely terrifies me to think that in four months he'll be a year old. That's by far the thing I hate most about being a working mother. While I love the time with adults and feeling responsible and needed, I get nervous about all the wasted time away from him while he's so little! I guess this is why people end up having more, right? Even that idea terrifies me, mostly for the fact that I would be afraid that a new baby would take away from our experience with Ryker. Ugh, parenthood....shit's rough!

We had an epic parenting win yesterday. We have this recliner that is OLD, my mom sent it out to us with a couch when we first bought the house and we've since gotten rid of the couch, it was hell on my back while I was breastfeeding, but we kept the dirty old recliner because it really is comfy and we don't freak out if Ryker spits up on it. Well, ever since Ryker has mastered the ability to hold his bottle himself, we've let him lay in the crease of that chair and feed himself. Sometimes, when he finishes he ends up rolling around a little, but with the angle that the seat is at, he never really had much of chance of going anywhere. That all changed yesterday. I was sitting cross legged tucked in with a blanket and my computer, with Vic to my left when I saw Ryker gearing up to roll towards the end of the cushion. I gasped loudly, Vic looked up and in slow motion, Ryker made his way off the chair. I almost fell over trying to untangle myself and the blanket. Vic, being our hero, dove across the floor and saved Ryker from slamming into the laminate floors. Our dilemma about wanting concrete floors is now over. Ryker cried for a minute but I think he was more scared than hurt. Vic's elbow, on the other hand, is a swollen mess. Needless to say, we learned our couch lesson and Ryker is now banished to his playmat on the ground. 

I ran the Virginia Beach Polar Plunge 5k this weekend with my friends Misty, Kristy and girls from Rife ! 

Misty and I dragged our hubby's and Ryker down to the beach at 7 am, so of course we found the boys a spot at the hotel bar/restaurant, Mahi Mah's, so that they could entertain themselves over Bloody Mary's while we ran in the 35 degree weather. I anticipated the run being way busier, so we got there much too early. A pre-race cocktail sounded like a good idea, makes sense, right? Two screwdrivers for me and two Bloody Mary's for Misty later, we actually wound up running a 5k PR! We finished under 28 minutes. The boys were so surprised and we were so proud of ourselves, which meant more cocktails for everyone! Luckily, I had a built in cheat day for my Whole 30, for an early Valentine's Day celebration. We chased our morning drinks with some fish tacos and had a pretty awesome day. I guess this #amileaday challenge is really paying off!

On the workout note, I've made the executive decision to put Crossfit on the back burner for a while. With  my bum shoulder, I haven't been able to really do any of the WOD's to the intensity that I would like, even with the amount of healing that I've already done. So, I'm going to start following more of a bodybuilder weightlifting style routine and focus on improving my speed and distance running. As soon as my surgery is done, whenever that is, and I've healed up from that, I want to hit CrossFit WODS hard and set the goal of signing up for the Open next year. For now, it's going to be all about building up muscle and strength and really getting beach ready. I'm excited to switch it up a little! I'm going to keep an eye on Rife's WODs and keep going to the ones that I can actually do, mostly because I want to hang out with my friends. Don't get me wrong, the coaches have been amazing at helping me out with modifying everything, but I'm kind of sick of modifying the workouts.  

Also on that note, I bought this amazing roller for my legs. I've been getting the same old runner's injuries that I used to get when I was putting in 50 miles a week lately, so it was time to do something. I have a foam roller, but that thing is just frustrating sometimes. This roller is basically just a steel pipe with handles and rolly things on it, but it's a God send. You can find it here! Since Vic and I are totally impatient, we celebrated Valentine's Day a week early...and he got me a 6 Pack Bag! It's also amazing. I felt a little silly walking into work today in my uniform and a GIANT pink bag that is basically the size of a small cooler, but I was able to fit my breakfast, lunch, snacks, multivitamins, protein shake (shh, don't tell the Whole 30 that we added in protein) and even a jar of almond butter and my lint roller for my uniform! Uh, I'm in love! 

So far, here is a look at today. I went to the base gym around 5:30 and worked out until a little shy of 8 am. I'm super bummed that yesterday was the first day in my #amileaday challenge that I just didn't bother to cover any ground...unless Sam's Club counts, which it doesn't. So, today I just lifted until I couldn't squat or leg press anymore, and then I did a few miles on the elliptical. I might try and get another workout tonight and actually run. We'll see! 


15 min elliptical warm up
10x90 hack squat
10x160 hack squat 
12x150 leg press
12x160 leg press
12x170 leg press
12x200 leg press
8x250 leg press
7x260 leg press 
10x90 leg curl
12x90 leg extension
12x95 leg curl
12x100 leg extension
12x100 leg curl
12x110 leg extension
10x55 glute press (each)
10x70 glute press (each)
12x90 calf press
20x80 dumbbell calf raises
10x30 pliĆ© squat 
20 min elliptical
Ab work


3 eggs scrambled, Whole Foods chorizo, 1 cup of spinach
1 gala apple with 2 tbs almond butter

2 cilantro chicken sausages, 1 cup of spinach
.5 cup sliced carrots, .5 cup sliced radishes, 2 tbs apple cider vinegar
Nibbled on some raw, unsalted cashews with unsweetened cranberries and blueberries

Lemon LaraBar 
EAS Lean Protein Shake

I forgot to pull anything out for dinner, so Lord knows what we'll end up eating. I don't know how many times I have to try and learn my lesson, but we are eating extra clean this week. It takes me FOREVER to recover from a shitty eating weekend, and this weekend was no different. Lots of veggies for this girl! 


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