Saturday, August 24, 2013

Pretty, pretty Saturday!

It is such a beautiful day out, I can't even handle it. I think that I've mentioned before how I've felt kind of guilty when it comes to our pups, but days like this they are all I think about because it is great walking weather! It is so hard to get them out for good exercise in the middle of summer because it is just so dang hot. I'm at my limit with the hot, humid weather and so ready for it to start progressively cooling down, I know the pups and Vic are too!

As you know, Ryker had his doctor visit the other day and got a butt load of shots. While that night was a tad miserable for a little bit, he wound up sleeping through the night like any other one and did really well the next day. His sleep is so awesome now, he made it until 4 am this morning! On the weekends I try to breastfeed him exclusively as much as possible, so I get to sleep in until he wakes up to breastfeed instead of having to pump. It's amazing. Lately I've accidentally been sleeping through my 1 am alarm to pump, which makes me feel a little guilty because I'm unsure of whether or not it is affecting my supply. We've got a few bottles of milk in the fridge for him though so I guess we are doing just fine!

Back to the doctor...I can't remember if I mentioned that he is on the normal baby charts now and is no longer having to consider his adjusted age. For a normal 12 week old he falls at 50 percentile for height, 25 percentile for weight and 20 percentile for head circumference. He's still our little runt but it's so great to know that he is catching up just like he should. 

So, I've been taking Reglan for the last little bit to try and up my supply and I must say that I don't think it is really doing much for me. I wish that I hadn't even started trying it because I hate to introduce anything into Ryker and I that is unnecessary but I had figured it would be worth a shot if it helped us to wean him off of formula. In the end, I have a few doses left to finish up but I think that his being a more efficient eater and my pumping more often at work as helped my supply more than the medication. I've been having Vic take pictures of Ryker and I breastfeeding at all the random places we've been recently. That sounds kind of crazy but I've perfected the ability to walk and feed, so wandering the battlefields and Yorktown while feeding was pretty awesome! Oh the things you find cool after having a baby...

Speaking of cool, here are some pictures of my little goof ball!

It's pre-Friday!

Today was a pretty big Thursday, Ryker's first set of immunizations happened today :(
He did a lot better than I did, I almost started crying when he realized what was happening and he started crying. The nurse jammed that mean needle in so fast and so hard (ha, giggity), it looked horrible. But, I had him latch on right away, he calmed down immediately and he's been napping ever since. Vic and his friend Danny are planning on celebrating Danny's birthday tonight with some Colorado/Virginia Xbox action so should Ryker lose his mind from the shots tonight Daddy will be up to help out. 

Today's workout was awesome. As I went to leave the box I got pulled into running an extra mile by some of the girls and it was amazing, exactly the kind of motivation I love about CrossFit Rife. 

Thursday's Workout

70 hand release pushups 
At every break in the pushups (any rest) run 100 meters with a 25 lb. sand bag

I finished in 8:38. Push ups are so not my thing, so they slowed me down a bit. We ran the extra mile afterwards at a pretty good pace, it did a great job of reminding me that I have a lot of training ground to cover to get back to the runner I used to be!

*Update: As I was writing this Ryker woke from his nap and lost his F-ing mind so I had to finish this post friday morning. The poor thing has a bruise the size of a golf ball on each leg and they're super tender. The good news is that after an hour of singing to him in the bath, a shower and cuddling on the bed we finally coaxed some baby Tylenol into him and he relaxed enough to sleep like any normal night! His little wails had me ready to cry again but when he finally calmed down and just stared at me, right in the eyes while I told him over and over that I'd always be there to help make everything alright. I love that little stinker so much!! 

Here he is as Daddy's little football, we love the onesie from Nordstrom. Sorry you can't see more of it...

Easy fast food dinner this week: Whole Foods Kebabs thrown on the grill and paired with a salad!

Ryker's new lumberjack onesie, I can't wait for it to fit him! Thanks Kathleen!

Another great paleo dinner: Giant flank steak marinated in coconut aminos and honey. Can't lie, we used un-paleo soy instead of aminos...woops! When the challenge rolls around I'll have to follow recipes more strictly.

Served up with cabbage sautéed with carrots, ginger and green onions in sesame oil.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hump Day!!

Wednesday's Workout

So, this morning I almost pussed out and hit the snooze button when my alarm went off at 5 am. The good news is that despite the fact that Ryker refuses to go to sleep at bedtime anymore and that he loves to switch up his routine every three days and confuse his dad and I, I still got out of bed and made it to this morning's 6 am WOD.

20 Min. EMOM (Every minute on the minute)
3 Snatch Deadlifts
2 Power Snatches
1 Overhead Squat

So, this is what we were supposed to do but we were short on the 35 pound bars. My friend Sarah and I shared a barbell, so we were scaled down to every other minute for the twenty minutes. Stefan, the coach this morning, also scaled the movements so our workout looked more like this:

20 Min. Every other minute on the minute
2 Power Snatches
3 Overhead Squats

We started out with just the 35 pound bar, but then we added five pounds. Considering the weight that some of the other girls were throwing around I was a little disappointed in not doing more weight, but overhead squats  make me extremely nervous, so we figured it would be better to work on improving our skill with the movement instead of going to heavy. The good news is that the bar plus 5 pounds turned out to be a personal record for both Sarah and I!

I was thinking that maybe tonight I would get a good jog in, but then I remembered that Vic and I have chiropractor appointments and we desperately need to make a grocery store run. I'm trying to eat as cleanly and Paleo as possible. The Lurong Living Challenge is coming up quick and I would really like to not be a big ole' cheater when it comes to that! My goal this week is four workouts and to try and get some running in. I have that Half Marathon coming up in October that I signed up for right after I had Ryker. I'd really like to try and train enough to complete it and not have to defer my registration to next year.

On a Ryker note...we're in big boy diapers! We are officially out of the land of newborn diapers and should be moving on past the newborn clothes also. He's getting so big, it's nuts! I'm kind of sad to see some of my favorite onesies and pajama sets not fit him anymore, but I know it just means that it's time for more new cute clothes! Hope everyone has a great Hump Day!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I'm back!!

It's been a while but the workout posts are back! Here we go...


3 Rounds for Time:

15 Pullups (Blue Band, pull to lower chest)
15 dips (I did the first set on the rings, the rest on a box)
10 Handstand push ups (done with a band for the first set, then handstands on the wall for the rest)
20 Pistols (otherwise known as one leg squats!)

This workout took me 17:10. As I speak my arms are too tired to even hold Ryker's bottle for him, so I know that I put in a good effort but I seem to always feel like maybe I should have tried harder lately. I guess that's what tomorrow is for right?!

Dinner was some chicken tenderloins, about 6 oz, in a chipotle marinade from Lawry's with a sweet potato and some corn on the cob. I'm starting the Lurong Paleo Challenge in September, so my days of corn and none whole foods are nearly over. I'm excited for what the challenge should be able to do to help with getting back to pre-baby shape. 

Well, time to get ready for bed! Tomorrow I'll be hitting up the 6 am class at CrossFit Rife. Thank goodness it's almost Wednesday, the week is almost over! 


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