Monday, March 23, 2015

Monster and Me Monday

This afternoon it was just me and the little monster. I love my son to death, but let me tell ya....he can really wear a girl out. Vic made me promise to call him if I needed him, with the mysteriously horrendous round ligament pain, but for the more part Ryker was pretty good this afternoon. Then, I took him out of the bath. I don't think I can adequately explain how much this kid loves bath time. He goes nuts for it, and he goes REALLY nuts when you try to get him out of the tub and in pajamas. So, right after the picture he lost his  mind about wanting to eat a second dinner, which wasn't going to happen, so he may have gone to bed a bit earlier than planned. He's in that awesome toddler phase where he screams at the top of his lungs when he doesn't get what he wants. We've yet to find a good way to stop this wonderful new behavior besides putting him in his crib for a couple of minutes. Today, he conked right out so I guess he was ready to call it time to go night-night!

This weekend he was actually a very well behaved restaurant toddler at a super tasty Sunday brunch date that my boys and I had! Have you had the Bruleed French Toast at Cheesecake Factory? Holy cow, it's delicious. I've been obsessed with a local breakfast spot around here that has pancakes with this unbelievable citrus glaze, but their line was too long so we wound up at the Cheesecake Factory. I tell you what, you can count on some damn good french toast there and we never have to wait!

It's going to be an early night for this girl, I'm officially at my limit of being uncomfortable for the day and if I don't get into bed soon I'll be stuck on the couch until Vic gets home to help me. I can't tell you how frustrating it is to feel like this after having such an easy pregnancy with Ryker! Who'd have thought that round ligament pain could be so horrible? It was never like this with my first pregnancy. It took me half an hour, but I very slowly walked a little over a mile today in an effort to still get in some sort of activity, it's supposed to help...fingers crossed! 

Oh! Before I forget, you should check out this recipe for Pumpkin Oatmeal Chocolate cookies, I made these last night and man, they are too good! You can find the link here. I have a ton of pumpkin leftover from fall and for some reason I stocked up on a lifetime supply of oats a month or so ago so these will probably be a staple in our house for a while. I hope your week started off great, happy Monday! 

Friday, March 20, 2015

22 Weeks

How far along? 22 Weeks and 2 days

Post run/pre killer pelvic pain on Monday, just shy of 22 weeks!

Total weight gain? About 15 pounds.

Maternity clothes? Oh yea. Vic and I just got done talking about how there is no way I’m not going to have to fully commit to maternity clothes this time around. I’ve got my UCSB sweatshirt on right now and it barely covers the bottom of my belly. Second time baby bellys are no joke! We bought two dresses for me to wear to Vic’s graduation at Destination Maternity this week, they’re super cute!

19 Weeks!

Stretch marks? Nope, fingers are crossed that stays the answer!

Miss anything? Not being uncomfortable. Round ligament pain (more on that later), heartburn, burping, bloating….oh yea. I’m definitely pregnant. I’ve been pretty jealous of Vic drinking red wine, and I’m so ready for summer and beer! 

Strange symptoms? I’d call this round ligament pain that I’ve got going on strange. I went to work Monday and sat through a very boring training session, when all of a sudden I started to have horrible pains in my left pelvic region. I went to the bathroom, thinking that would help. 15 minutes later they were back, and when I tried to head to the bathroom to pee I barely made it there, because they got so bad. I bounced from the horrible training and called Vic to come get me. I was terrified that I was having some horrible version of preterm labor, but the pain was nothing like contractions. After two days at the Labor and Delivery Unit and a ton of tests, they decided that I have especially bad round ligament pains, that I should stay off my feet until they go away (which seems like never) and wear a support belt. I’m basically constantly hurting, with some spiking up to being bad enough to make me cry and unable to focus. Vic has to help me in and out of bed, up from the couch and so on. It’s so frustrating to not be feeling the perfect way I did with my first pregnancy! 

Movement? Oh yea, she’s rolling around all the time. Did I just jump the gun for the gender question? 

Cravings? All of them. Sweet, salty, healthy and natural, total crap junk food….all of them. 

Aversions? I’m still not crazy about meat by itself, but I’m grilling up ribs tomorrow that I’m actually super excited about!

Gender? We’ve got a little girl coming our way! 

Labor signs? No, thank goodness.

Best moment this week? Although it has been surrounded by feeling like crap, the way Vic has been taking care of me all week has been amazing. Today, he worked out close to my work so that he could be nearby in case I needed to leave because of the pain (it makes it impossible to drive safely). We had left my car at work on Monday when we went to the hospital and I was parked in the back of the lot. He waited in my car for about an hour today for a spot close to the door to open up so that I wouldn’t have to walk too far in the rain. How amazing is he?

Wedding ring on or off? Very much on.

Mood? All of them, haha. Stress is always a big one for me, which generally leads to up and downs as far as my mood is concerned. 

Looking forward to… Warm weather! We got teased with a day of nearly 80 degree weather this week and I’m dying to be able to sit out in the sun. As soon as I’m feeling back to normal, it will be nice to take everyone for a hike on our favorite trail and play on the beach. 

Finally...a picture of our little guy on the run!


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