Sunday, February 15, 2015

17 Week Update

How far along? 17 weeks and 3 days. We went to the doctor on Friday and the nurse was like “When are you actually due? We have July 22 on one paper and July 23 on another.” I told her just to put July, because who actually delivers on their due date? 

Total weight gain? About 7-8 pounds. I’m sure the Greek food and donuts from yesterday didn’t help! I usually hang out around 152 lbs when I’m not pregnant, I weighed 159 the other day.

Maternity clothes? Oh yea. Even though it seems silly to buy more clothes, I’m thinking that I may need to get more leggings and I’m on the hunt for some that aren’t super see through that would be good for working out. I left the gym yesterday halfway through my squats because I was so self conscious about my see through leggings! I guess buying the super cheap ones at Motherhood Maternity and then wearing them with Ryker and this baby have been a little more than they were meant for!

Stretch marks? Nope, and I’ve been slathering lotion on just like last time to try and avoid getting any!

Miss anything? Wine. Vic and I went to dinner Friday night and I sipped a little champagne for the taste (don’t worry, it was very, very, very little). I went to get my hair done Friday afternoon and they serve wine while you’re getting worked on and I was very jealous of the women with their glasses of red, but I’m also obsessed with their spa water (I left very hydrated!).

Strange symptoms? I feel like this baby is very low, I have way more pressure down low than I remember with Ryker. Besides that, not too many changes besides the congestion. I’m still getting nauseous to the point of food coming up if I eat a bite too much, which sucks. I’m totally over that!

Movement? Just little flutters here and there! The baby was super active yesterday, just rolling around. When we saw the baby on the ultrasound on Friday it was just tapping it’s foot away at my cervix, which was kind of funny.

Cravings? Anything related to sugar or French fries. Cake, donuts, cookies, Skittles…you name it. I’m working really hard on not giving into them but I failed at the donuts part.

Aversions? Meat that isn’t hiding in a bun or as chicken fingers.

Gender? We have a strong suspicion, but we’re not saying anything until we know for sure at our anatomy scan in a few weeks!

Labor signs? Nope! Our doctor will be checking my cervix on a regular basis, since I had Ryker early last time and they have no idea why. I guess at this point the acceptable reading is about 2 cm, she was able to see 3.7 cm of mine before it went off the screen so it sounds like we have nothing to worry about! TMI, haha?

Best moment this week? Seeing the baby and getting a guess at the gender, for one. Thursday night, Vic got up to go to the bathroom and as he was walking away he said “Ryker is messing around with something, can you see what it is?” It turned out to be a new Michael Kors wallet to replace my ten year old wallet that’s falling apart and a bouquet of flowers! It was super sweet and totally made me cry.

Wedding ring on or off? On, I have crazy small fingers.

Mood? Oh you know, all over the place!

Looking forward to… Tomorrow is a day off of work, a Monday off is always a great thing and I’m counting down to my birthday and Vic’s Spring Break, which are both the same week in early March.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Super Sunday

We started off our Super Bowl Sunday with a little brunch action at the Cheesecake Factory this morning. I'm not sure if we just happen to get the same waitress and forget, or if they just happen to do this, but today was the second time that they immediately brought out a plate of sliced banana and bread for Ryker to munch on while we ordered, which is a huge help! He's fascinated by the concept of a fork right now, so much so that he tries to turn spoons into them as well. The fork and bread combo kept him pretty entertained this morning. 

We ordered way too much food this morning, so I wound up eating less than a third of my plate and took had a bit of Vic's Monte Cristo, man those things are good! On one hand, this baby has me craving everything I normally avoid, but I also get full way faster than normal so I usually only get a few tastes, which is enough to hold me over until the next ridiculous craving pops up. Like the chocolate cake that I ordered to take home for during the game! 

Tomorrow is the beginning of Ryker's new adventure and his new bathroom decor shows how excited I am! I spent all day thinking about what I was going to pack for his lunch tomorrow (I'm totally that crazy mom). I packed up his backpack with his extra outfits and diapers, and made sure to sneak in a blanket he's had since he was born and his monkey for nap time. I just wish I could be around all the time, but alas, he's headed off into the rough and tumble world of the two year old room tomorrow....and he's only 20 months, my little over achiever! 

While we were in California visiting my family for the holidays we tried these fig bars from Costco and Ryker loved them! They make for a nice little treat that I don't feel bad about him having. He doesn't get a whole lot of things like this, besides his Cinnamon Raisin Ezekiel Toast, so I figure it will be a sweet little option for his lunch box. 

I grilled up some chicken with just a little salt, pepper and basil to have prepped for his lunches and for Vic and I. He'll get half of that chicken breast tomorrow, he got the other half for dinner tonight. I love that he's so happy with simple protein options! I got worried there for a while that he'd grow to love only chicken nuggets if he got anymore of them (I may have been lazy about his lunches for a while, eek).  

I loaded him up with some apple slices and some cheese cubes to round out his options for the day. We're going to send one of his little cups that we use here at home for them to give him water, since he has never had juices and isn't a big milk drinker. I did grab a box of Organic Chocolate Milk from Costco (they're Kirkland brand in little boxes). I actually forgot that I grabbed those until just now, I'll have to toss one in there!

His super sweet lunch box is from Pottery Barn and has a matching rolling back pack! I got a little time off in the morning so that I can drop him off with Vic after my morning workout. There is a significant chance that I will be a total disaster. I just hope he has fun and isn't too out of his element, but these are all probably things that Mom's worry about and then their kid has a great day and doesn't think twice about the change in their routine. I 90% hope that happens, and 10% hope he misses Vic and I the way I miss them when I have to spend all day at daycare...I mean, work. 

Ok, time to pack my gym bag and pay attention to the Super Bowl. I hope you have a great week, wish us luck with our first day of our new adventure! 


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